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That's right everyone I'm writing a new Selection fanfic. I was so unsatisfied with the Crown the first time I read it, and after a very recent reread I've decided to try my hand at properly ending the Crown and the whole of the selection series. I'm not going to post the first chapter until I feel sure of where this is going to go, but I do have this teaser for all of you so take a peek:

I flung open my door and almost ran into my mother. Though she wasn't the queen anymore, she still held herself in such a graceful, beautiful way. I hoped I was able to display at least a fraction of her perfection to Illea. She looked positively radiant after just days off. Seeing her this way made me so happy that I almost forgot what I was about to go do.
    "Eady! Thank goodness I caught you. Lady Brice just told me you were planning to propose tonight, but that you looked distraught. I thought I should talk to you about it. This is a big decision," she explained. "I thought I might start here." And then she wrapped her arms tightly around me.
    I almost broke down then and there, but I held it together knowing I had so little time.
    "Thanks Mom, but there's really no time. I have to go propose and then there's things to plan for the report and rings to size and pictures to send..." I tried to say, but she cut me off.
    "Eadlyn I want you to hear this. Because I want you to find love out of this, and I don't want to to rush into anything. I thought I'd tell you my love story, or rather, love stories."

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