Part Three

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"You're right."
"What? Really?"
That had not been the response I was expecting. I was in my office and Eikko sat beside me on the couch. My hands were on my lap, and sometimes my eyes would catch on the glitter of my ring. Kile and I had chosen it out of a box of twenty-five already designed rings. At first when I called Eikko to my office I thought about taking it off so I could explain everything to him, but he knew this was my plan all along, and there was something so right about wearing that ring that I couldn't bear to part with it.
"You're right that we rushed into this. I was just thinking about this last night. I know your full name, but I don't know your favorite food or your favorite color or if you're a morning person or a night person. Then I thought about standing up in front of a camera again, and I was paralyzed with fear. The thought of doing that every day of my life terrified me. I realized if I wasn't willing to do that for you, I must not really love you, not like you deserve."
"It does come with the job," I agreed.
"I want you to know that I meant what I said. You mean infinitely more to me because I of all the people in this country you rule got to meet you, and I think you're smart and kind and brave and beautiful. But that's not enough to base a marriage on."
"That's just what I was thinking Eikko. I hope we can still be friends after all of this. It's been such a pleasure meeting you even if it's been kind of crazy."
To my relief he smiled at me. "It would be my greatest honor to be called your friend Your Majesty."
"It's still just Eadlyn," I said, laughing.
"Then it will be my greatest honor to call you my friend, Eadlyn."
I tugged at the ring on my right hand he had given to me. "I'd better give this back. You'll need to give it to the real love of your life. Thanks for giving me luck when I needed it the most."
He took it but not before taking off my signet ring and handing it back to me. "And you should give this to your son or daughter. Thanks for making me feel like royalty, if just for a little while."
I gave him a hug and my personal phone number in case he ever needed anything, and then he left. My heart said nothing, and that's when I knew I had made the right decision. It was too busy leaping at every glint of Kile's ring on my finger.
"I'm sorry Henri but I'm not going to marry you," I explained later that day. Eikko was still there so I could have told Henri this through him, but I didn't want to. I wanted this to be more personal. "I'm going to marry Kile."
He didn't look sad exactly, he looked into my eyes, searching for something,
"You and Kile is love?" He asked seriously. I could tell how much it mattered to him that I was happy with my decision. It warmed me up. This boy so full of joy and caring was such a treasure.
"Yes," I told him. "I love Kile."
He grinned. "Good, good. Kile is good good. You have married! I make cake!"
I laughed knowing how much I would miss this boy when he left the palace.
"Absolutely Henri," I said smiling.
He picked up my hand and kissed it lightly on the back. "Is good meeting you Eadlyn," he said and I hugged him tight. The selection brought me many friends, and I would treasure them forever. Many friends, and one love that is.
The report was just couple hours after I spoke with Henri. Eloise was finishing up my hair when a knock came at the door. Not really caring who it was I called, "Come in!"
The doors swung wide open and Kile strutted in carrying a large bouquet of flowers and a wearing another hideous tie. This time though I knew he must be wearing it on purpose.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, unable to keep the smile from my face.
"I had such a hard time staying away from you this morning that I've decided I'm never leaving your side again. So I hoped these flowers would be enough for you to let me marry you," Kile joked.
"Hmmmm, too bad I'm already engaged." I said, faking a pout and holding out my ring finger.
"My, that is pretty ring," he commented, grinning. He picked up my hand and kissed it tenderly right above it.
Eloise sighed behind me as she fit the last pin into my hair. "All done miss," she said.
"Thank you Eloise. Would you send word to my family that we will be down to the Report in a couple minutes? Sir Kile and I have to go back to his room and get him a new tie." I said as I took the flowers from him and placed them in the empty vase by my bed that used to hold Marid's flowers until he had turned out to be such a traitor.
"But I picked this tie especially for tonight!" He said, grinning as we walked down the hall to his room. "Doesn't it scream Prince Consort?"
I rolled my eyes. "No it screams Bad Taste. When Hale comes back to design my wedding gown I'm having him design you all new ties and I'm going to burn your old ones."
He shrugged, seemingly fine with my demands. His eyes shone with laughter as if he had hoped this would happen all along. He made me so happy. Why had it take me so long to figure out that I loved him? Our relationship was so simple. He was my best friend that I could never leave. He was everything I never knew I wanted in a husband.
We found Kile a new tie and made our way down to the Report studio. It was very crowded down there tonight. Miss Lucy and General Leger were there smiling encouragingly at me. Gavril stood at the edge of the set getting notes from the producers. Josie was there too, and for once she had forgone sequins and glitter and was looking rather lovely. My dad was there, and so were my brothers. He was beaming at me.
I could read his facial expression but he mouthed to me, "I'm so proud of you."
My mom and Miss Marlee were clutching each other and sharing giddy smiles. It was so good to see her this way that I couldn't even find it in me to be embarrassed. All the makeup and hair people as well as the production crews and cameramen were all gathered in the studio. Last week had been a big announcement, but in many ways this felt bigger.

The lights went down, and everyone went to their places. Kile and Hernri found their places at my left and my family sat at my right. I stood at the podium at the center, beaming.
"Good evening Illea! Tonight we have a very special announcement. First I'd like to invite Sir Kile Woodwork to join me on stage."
The studio applauded. There were a lot of cheers and even a couple whistles. I hoped everyone at home was having the same reaction. Kile was a national favorite.
I took both his hands in mine as I had done so many times before. The ring was still there on my finger, but I had to do the formal asking.
"Kile Woodwork would you do me the honor of becoming Prince Consort of Illea and my husband?"
He smiled the whole time, his eyes twinkling with delight. "Of course Eady."
The he swooped down and kissed me on live television. He was going to get a scolding for that later, either from me or from his mother was yet to be seen, but in that moment it felt so right that I just let it happen.
I let him stand beside me for the next announcement, and he made no move to leave. "As Prince Consort Sir Kile has decided to take on a public service project. He is a talented architect, and he has come up with a design for temporary shelters in our growing industrial centers. Soon we will be visiting cities all across the country to watch his dreams for helping people come to life. We can't wait to share this with you."
There was more applause. My father looked extra happy. Hopefully these trips would show just how much I loved my people.
"For now," I continued. "We have a wedding to plan and materials to gather. Thank you for this opportunity to have this selection. I've grown even closer to my people now that I've met a gentleman from each of our provinces, and I'm so excited to see where my reign will take me and all of you in Illea. Good night!"
Kile wrapped his arm around my waist and we waved good-bye to the cameras as if we would see every single one of the Illeans out there watching the broadcast. Together, soon, we would.

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