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A/n im really bored and this is probably the last update for today ok Im sorry in advance


Viktor Nikiforov

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital waiting for the doctor to give me and Yuuko the news of whats gonna happen to Yuuri and if hes ok or whatever. Except i got a phone call from my mom which only added to my stress; what could she possibly want?

I picked up my phone.

"Hi Vitya, uhm, i have bad news-"

"Cant be worse than whats already going on.", i mumbled.

"Your father lost his job so we have to move back to Russia and live with your Grandpa Yakov."

My heart broke.
I have to leave... And when my Yuuri is in a bad state... No.... No..... This.... This cant be.....

"Vitya, im sorry. We have to leave tomorrow so i suggest you come home now and start packing."
And then she hangs up.

I burst into tears as Yuuko runs over and hugs me. "I-im moving... B-back to Russia..", i hug her back and sob into her shoulder as she rubs my back comfortingly. I sniff, "I have to go. If Yuuri wakes up, tell him i love him and im sorry...", she nods as i wave goodbye to her and start making my way home.

Time skip

I start packing up the last of my stuff and make my way downstairs to see my mom holding my little brother in her arms as he cries frantically, so i take him and cradle him in my arms while she smiles at me.

He still cries in my arms, "Shhh, its gonna be ok Yurio..", i kiss his forehead and he gives me an angry look with his eyes still shut. I giggle slightly at his expression. "Vitya, are you okay? You seem kind of upset.. I mean, before i even told you we're moving back to Russia..", my mom sits down on the couch and pats a spot next to her. I sit down next to her with Yurio asleep in my arms. "Yuuri and i went ice skating today and he fell on the ice... He... He hit his head... He's in a coma... I-i dont know if h-he's gonna make it...", i say trying to hold back my sobs and tears as my heart continues to break every second im away from my Yuuri who needs my help with the state he's in.

"Oh, Vitya, im so sorry... Just, pray hes gonna be okay and im sure he will be fine.", my mom smiles softly at me before kissing the top of my head and going off to her room where my dad is. I look down at Yurio to see him still sleeping but with the same grumpy expression on his face as earlier, i smile softly at him. Hes gonna have moms hair and dads headstrong personality.

"Rika, i told you, we're gonna be fine. My dad will take us in, he already offered.", i heard dad say through their room. "V, i love you, but are you sure? I mean, what about Viktor and Yura?", i heard mom ask; her words from earlier replay in my mind.

'Pray? Seriously? if there is a god, then why is he doing this to my Yuuri and do this to me? its so unfair!', i think to myself. My dad comes out of the room looking as stressed as ever with his blue hair a mess and his eyes having bags under them. "Viktor, do me a favor. You have to go to school tomorrow but only for first period and then your mother and i will pick you up and talk to your teachers and the office staff if you let Yurio sleep with you tonight.", he smiles sadly at me but i dont say a word so i just nod as i look at Yurio to see him with a peaceful look on his face as he continues sleeping in my arms.

"Im not the one who accidentally undid his crib too early!", mom chimes in and comes into the living room standing next to my dad. "Rika, honey, yeah you did.", my dad smiles affectionately at her as she beams as if realising something and giggles, "Oh yeah, i did. Im just forgetful right now.", she kisses my dads cheek and i give them a look of disgust. "Bleh. Love.", the only reason i say this is becaue the love of my life is in the hospital and he's probably gonna die and i wont ever see him ever again...


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