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A/n i keep listening to still alive and theme of king jj over and over and just ugh theyre rlly good also i need to put more yoi characters in my stories like more minami and jj and minako and yuuko and mari and shit so yeah also sorry for short chapter today, just kinda stressed because two people i dont like were at school today and i didnt get to go to the rally bc the program im in went during 2nd period but for my grade it was supposed to be during 4th so i couldnt go and it irritated me.


Viktor<33: hey Yuuri ;)

Yuuri smile's at the text before replying.

Yuuri<3: hey :)

Viktor<33: wyd today?

Yuuri<3: nothing. What about you?

Viktor<33: nothing, might just practice for next season. But idk anymore.

Yuuri<3: are you okay?

Viktor<33: just not feeling it ig.

Yuuri<3: hmm, what are you not feeling?

My love. Viktor thought. I miss you, i miss my inspiration but i've lost it.

Viktor<33: just the inspiration and motivation to skate ig.
Viktor<33: i just like to surprise my fans by doing something new but im not sure how to do that anymore.

Yuuri<3: you surprised me two days ago by seeing you in the store :)

Viktor<33: thats funny, Yuuri. But seriously, i just guess ive stopped surprising my fans because nothing i do is surprising anymore ://

Yuuri<3: im sorry, Viktor ): is there anything i could do to help?

Remember me.. Viktor thought once again.

Viktor<33: nah its fine

Viktor had a lot of thinking to do, he doesnt neccessarily feel like skating anymore but he still loves to surprise his fans.

Yuuri<3: just know that i care and im always here.

Viktors heart started racing and so did Yuuri's.

viktor<33: thanks boo 😘

Yuuri blushed; 'what?!', he thought.

Yuuri<3: 😳

Viktor<33: you're cute when you blush ;D anyways, Yakov is yelling at me~ bye my little pork cutlet bowl~

yuuri<3: w-wait! im n-not yours! ugh, bye Vitya. :)

Ephemeral &gt;&gt; ViktuuriWhere stories live. Discover now