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A/n double update because im really excited for this story


Viktor Nikiforov

after school ended, i immediately went running towards the front of the school to meet Yuuri and we would walk from there to the rink we always loved to go to. I've fallen so hard for this boy and i cant see myself stopping anytime soon or even ever.

Yuuri saw me and smiled as i walked up next to him and from there we went to the rink. "Ugh, i hate that its only wednesday. JJ is so fucking annoying in my last period.", Yuuri groaned as we walked the cross walk. "Yeah, he's always bragging about how he's better than everyone else but really hes worse.", i make a horse noise and Yuuri giggles; that laugh always has affected me. "You're a weirdo, Vicchan.", he lightly shoved me as we approached the rink, causing me to grin and lightly shove him back.

I love it when he calls me by that nickname, i'm so weak to that boy. We enter the rink and are greeted by our friend Yuuko who works there; i have third period with her and her boyfriend Takeshi. He also works here but at a different time. "Hey guys! Here to skate?", she smiles at Yuuri and i while we both nod. She goes to the rack behind her and gets Yuuri and i pairs of skates. We take them and thank her before going to sit on a nearby bench to take off our regular shoes and and putting on our skates with our safe guards still on so we dont fall.

Little did he know, that wasnt where Yuuri was gonna fall.
He didnt know how eventful this day would be for him.

I get on the ice with Yuuri and we start doing some circles while talking about the most random things. "And then Phitchit was all, 'Hail Hydra', and im all, 'hoe i cant believe you just said that', and so we started arguing about it. So i guess you could say we annoyed that substitute.", Yuuri chuckled as we did a few more spins around the rink. "Oh my god, and you called me a weirdo!", i stuck my tounge out at him playfully as he grinned at me.

"Watch me, im gonna land the quad this time!", Yuuri says while i skate over to other side of the rink as he skates to the other side, doing a jump in the middle and instead of landing it, he lands on his head and i instantly skate over to him. "Yuuri! are you okay?!", I frantically skated over to him and sat down next to him with his head on my lap as i screamed and cried. He was knocked out cold.

"Yuuko! Call an ambulance! Yuuri tried landing a quad but he fell on his head after jumping and now he's knocked out!", i yelled to Yuuko while sobbing my eyes out as my best friend and the love of my life layed there knocked out cold with his head on my lap and i couldnt do a single thing about it. "Yuuri... Its gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay.... Please... Please be okay...", i managed to say through my sobbing.

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