Chapter 4: Introductions

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I don't really like repeating the same scene in different point of views so it wont happen very often but for this scene it was necessary! I'm not going to explain the whole werewolf thing, all i'm going to say is that Nate and his family and pretty much every character you meet through him is a werewolf. Enjoy :)


Nate Adler's P.O.V.

"Logan, meet me at the mall in 10, I think I just found my mate and I might have a job for you" I hung up as soon as I was done talking. I didn't need him asking me any questions right now, I was already tense enough as is. Logan is my second in command, or as we call it, Beta. He was the only one I could depend on to do this task for me. I walked through the crowded mall towards the exit where I knew Logan would come from and where my car was parked. I stood by the doors for almost another eight minutes before Logan showed up. He was the beta so he better be quick.

I started walking towards the food court when I saw he was following me. I had seen her go towards the food court and was really hoping she would still be there. Even if it bothered me to admit it, I think I already cared more than I should. Once we were near the entrance of the food court, I stopped walking as did Logan. I looked around until I saw her. There she was, with that boy again. I controlled my anger as I turned to Logan and pointed her out to him.

"Keep an eye on her. Follow her. Do not lose her! And I want to know where I can find her next without her getting away easily." Logan eyed me weirdly as I said that. He as well as I had never seen this side of me. I held the reputation of being a stubborn selfish alpha who could care less about anyone outside of my pack. I sighed "and make sure she is safe" and with that I started to make my way back to the exit doors. After a while of walking and being stared at, I finally made it to the exit. I rushed into my Tesla S and sped home. My body suddenly feeling very tense. It took about fifteen minutes to get to the pack house, but once I did, the first thing I decided on doing was to go for a run. My wolf was being fidgety as was I. I parked my car in the garage and made my way to the trees nearby.


Adjusting my suit, i got into my Tesla as i got ready to make my way to some charity event. Logan had called after my run and told me that my mate was going to be at the event this evening, so I took a shower and got dressed for it. I had made Logan call the family throwing the charity event and get me an invite to attend because apparently it was by invite only. That's probably why Logan had to make a large charitable contribution on my behalf to even get me invited to the event. Not that i have anything against charity events, in fact I attend plenty and host many myself, but today was different. I was going to meet someone special today. It took about half an hour for me to get to the hotel where the event was being held. It was a very fancy hotel that i was familiar with, but could never remember the name of. I think I attended a meeting here a few weeks ago. I went into the hotel and went inside to where the event was being held. There wasn't a single face I recognized. When I realized my mate probably wasn't here yet, since I couldn't smell her, I decided to stay put near the entrance door of the event. That's when I saw the guy that had been with her at the mall. I didn't know his name but I definitely recognized him right away. I was just barely controlling myself from going up to him and asking him about her and then punching him for touching my mate but was pulled out of it when I smelled her. I was even more glad when the boy went inside the hall where the event was being held, he clearly had no idea she had just arrived.

I watched as she started to talk to a tall blonde girl, and decided to find a way to keep from making it obvious I was watching her. There was a man who looked to be in his early 40's behind me standing alone sipping his drink. I turned to him and smiled.

"Have I seen you somewhere before? You look awfully familiar. I'm Nate, by the way." I said trying to get him into a fake conversation. Truth was, I had no idea who he was and neither had I ever seen this man. "Jonathan" He introduced himself. "I'm sorry I don't think we've met" He said, a little unsure of himself. I smirked when I noticed she was standing and staring at me, looking a bit confused. I quickly forgot about who I had been talking to. I think its time for introductions. I began to make my way towards her when I remembered that Jonathan was still talking to me. Oops. She suddenly snapped out of it when she realized I was walking towards her. A flash of recognition covered her face and she looked like she was about to take off but decided not to.

I stood in front of her still smirking as I held my hand out for her to shake and said "Hi. I'm Nate."


Elena Olson P.O.V.

I wasn't sure what to think. Either this guy was a total creep and a stalker or this was just a huge coincidence. Either way, I was confused. If he was a stalker I probably shouldn't tell him my name, or at least not my real name and if this was a coincidence...well then I don't know.

"Olivia" I said the first random name that came to mind as I shook his hand. I don't know whether I was imagining things but I was positive I felt sparks when I touched him. I pulled my hand away immediately and awkwardly kept it to my side.

"I'm sorry I don't think I know you, and I don't think I want to" I continued before he could respond and turned around to get away from this freak. He was handsome, sure, and that probably meant he was looking for more than just a friendship which was never happening. It might be hard to believe but I don't date. I stopped after I caught my last boyfriend cheating and since then I decided single life was much better. Plus my parents never really approved of any of the guys I seemed to like. Not that it ever stopped me but occasionally it was a great way to get out of things.

I had walked only about two feet when an arm wrapped around my waist to stop me. "I wasn't done talking to you" He turned me around. What pissed me off most was that smug looking grin on his face that I would love to slap off right now. So I did. I slapped him. Hard.

"What the fuck" he growled. Yes, actually growled. He had let go of my waist from the surprise, he hadn't expected me to slap him of all things, in fact, neither had I. "Don't ever touch me like that again. I don't know you and like I said earlier I don't want to. Get away from me creep" I said sounding pretty angry although I wasn't really. I actually found it kind of funny that this guy had the guts to touch a girl he had just met at an event like this where there are many hired cameramen to take photos of the event. There were a few people who had looked our way but decided to ignore it and I was grateful they did.

I turned to look at him one last time, giving him a sort of apologetic look since I hadn't said sorry, before walking away towards Ethan who was just walking towards me.

"Elena! There you are I've been looking all over for you." He said to me loudly. I hadn't gotten near him yet so he had to speak loud enough for me to hear. "Who is that?" he looked behind me and I smirked knowing exactly who he was talking about.

"That's Nate, he's an asshole" Once again I heard him growl. I could feel him start walking towards me so I sped up to get closer to Ethan before he could reach me. Once I was by Ethan I turned back around to look at Nate. I smiled innocently "Was one slap not enough for you? Come to get another?" I questioned teasingly. Now he looked angry. "You lied to me. Your names Elena, not Olivia." It sounded more like a question but I wasn't sure so I just nodded my head answering his question.

"Elena...hmm, the name does suit you better" He smirked, probably feeling victorious. I was a little bothered by the fact that he still hadn't left me alone. "Wait, you slapped him?" Ethan had a eyebrow raised and he looked pretty surprised. "Yeah, it was actually kind of fun" I watched Nate glare at me as I said that. I knew I was being immature but I hate people with an ego, and his was just all over him like another layer of his skin.

If he wasn't going to leave me alone, then fine. This boy was in for one hell of a ride. I was so gonna make him sorry.

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