Flower jewels lined a hill,
they shimmered in
the morning sun,
clinked in
spring wind.Flowers turned jewel.
Iris to purple spinal,
roses to rubies,
lilies to white pearls.Everyone wanted one,
to make homes sparkle
to keep crows from entering.So men boarded ships with axes,
women with woven baskets
and the Grim Reaper's footsteps
followed.Flowers turned jewel
daisies to diamonds
lavender to purple garnet
blue hydrangeas to sapphire.Greedy eyes were blinded
from glimmering jewels.Axes swung, flowers
missed, diamonds turned
ruby. The garden was
watered for another season.Flowers turned jewel.
Dear: Hell
PoesiaThe elevator broke now death played with you all night. - Hell's Deal ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sometimes monsters are real, sometimes Hell is fictional, but both have impacted many lives. So, take seat with some coffee and enjoy this poetry collection.