Ch. 7

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Magnus P.O.V.

All Sunday I did nothing but lounge around in my pjs. My alarm went off Monday morning. Today, the day I had been dreading was here. After taking five minutes to roll out of bed, I got dressed and did my makeup. Today I dressed my makeup down a lot. All I used was concealer and a little eye liner. I couldn't risk using anything that would run if I randomly started crying again. I got to school minutes before the tardy bell rang, and I had to rush to Language Arts. As soon as I reached class and realized the only seat left was one next to Alec. 'This is just FANTASTIC.' As soon as I reach my seat the bell rings and we are silenced by the announcements. "Okay class!" Miss. Branwell started "So, today we will be starting our live history project. I have selected your partner, and once I are together pick a decade." She read off the list of names, as I sat there hoping I wouldn't be put with Alec. "Magnus you're partners with Alec and Jace you're with Raphael." Of course I'm put with Alec.

Alec P.O.V.

Magnus was clearly not to happy to have been picked as my partner, but I definitely was happy he was mine. I needed to talk to him about what happened Saturday. As people discussed what their topic would be we just sat there. I dazed off ,and the memory came flooding back. I couldn't breathe. Instantly Magnus was by my side. He picked me up, and laid me on the bed. "Alexander, it's okay. Everything is okay. You are with me. You are safe." Magnus' words were soothing, but didn't help much. All of a sudden I felt his lips on mine. They were soft and I felt like I could melt in his arms. Before I knew what I was doing, I kissed him back. Pulling him closer to me deepening the kiss, but as soon as I did he pulled back. "I'm sorry", was all he said, leaving in a rush. "Magnus, Alec, who have you picked as your topic?" Miss. Branwell said, causing me to snap out of my daze.


"Cleve Jones and Roma Guy." (Actual people if you didn't know) Magnus quickly responded. I had no idea as to who they were, but as long as I don't fail I don't really care who it is.

"Fantastic! I think that's a wonderful choice, and it's certainly one of a kind. I'm sure there are very few people who even know who they are. Here is your scoring guide. You all are welcome to start your research."

"Thanks Mags. You really saved my butt. Hey before we start I need to say something. Firstly, you look amazing today. Secondly, and more importantly I need to talk to I about what happened Saturday. I know you may not want to, but I NEED to. Please."

"Fine, Alexander." He said sounding quite irritated. "Oh, and Alec,  cause I'm guessing you have no idea who those people are, you can do the easier of the two, Cleve Jones. As for what happened Saturday, my parents won't be home till late, so we can talk at my house."

"Thank you! Right, lets get to our research!" After I had realized how exited I sounded, I put my head down and did my research, not saying a word the rest of class.

Magnus P.O.V.

After Language Arts both Alec and I had Gym. 'Great another class together.' Gym was awkward and slightly unnerving. Neither of us said a word to each other; however, I remained my bubbly self adjacent of Alec. Finally we got to lunch.

Izzy P.O.V.

After what happened Saturday, I was determined to get them together. They liked each other, and it was staring to become painfully obvious. Everyone except myself, and Alec was already at the table. Being the evil mastermind I am, I devised a plan. Okay it wasn't very good or very evil, but it was a plan no less. I sat down next to Clary so the only seat open was one next to Alec. Magnus came over and gave me a pleading look, but I didn't budge. So, he took a seat next to Alec. Who looked happy Magnus was sitting next to him. "So...", Jace broke the awkward silence. "Does anyone have any plans after school? We could all go hang out at Java Jones."

"I'm in babe." Clary chirped

"We're in" Simon said also speaking for Raphael, who clearly didn't want to come. "Also we have something to tell you anyway so perfect."

"We know!" All of us said in unison.

"Then what is it that we are going to tell you.",mumbled Simon.

Meliorn pitched in saying, "The two of you are obviously dating.It's been obvious for a very very very long time." Neither bothered to deny it and they were now heavily blushing.

"Alec and I can't we have to get him clothes that aren't entirely black and I'm dragging Magnus with me for his taste and Meliorn cause he is my b...friend" 'Oh no I almost called him my boyfriend. We hadn't made it official yet. Dear God I hope no one caught that.' After lunch I pulled my brother, Magnus, and Meliorn out of the herd of people. "So, we are going to the mall at five. You two better be ready. I said as I motioned to Magnus and Alec. I gave them plenty of time to talk out there whole situation before we went to the mall. I had seen Alec's phone, so I knew they were going to Magnus' to talk it all out. However I needed an excuse to get them out of it without it seeming suspicious and Alec needed new clothes. It's a win win. Let's just hope it works.

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