Ch. 15

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"Oh no, you don't. Neither of you is going anywhere until you talk to each other." I hate her sometimes. This is definitely one of those times.

"Fine, but if we are going to talk Izzy, it will be in private." Without saying anything more, I turn and walk up to my room, Magnus at my tail. I don't think I can do this. I still love him. I quickly text Jace before I get to my room, hoping he will come get me out of here.


"No, you are not to stand here and tell me it didn't mean anything and that it won't happen again. You cheated on me! And...and I want to, no I need to know why." Great I couldn't even trust my own voice.

"Alec, I didn't cheat on you."

"Then what do you call kissing someone who isn't me. Raphael of all people.

"Raphael and I have a complicated past."

"What do you mean? I thought you didn't know anyone when you moved here."

"Remember when I told you about the guy who was there for me when the abuse first started, my first boyfriend, my only friend for a while."

"Yeah" I suddenly felt a pang of guilt run through me.

"That was Raphael. He didn't want anyone to know, and it wasn't my secret to tell. He had to be ready to come out. What you saw was a kiss on the cheek goodbye. It may have been way too close, but his parents found out about Simon. They are sending him to a boarding school in Italy. He left that day." Tears spilled from his eyes.


At this point, I just needed him back. I needed him to be my rock, to hold me tight and to tell me he loved me. Almost as if he had read my mind, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me in a tight embrace.

A/N: Please don't hate me but this is where I'm ending it. I might write another Malec fanfiction so stay tuned. I honestly can say to everyone who reads this that you are amazing. This was my first ever story and it got so much positive feedback. I would never have imagined any of my stories getting anything over 100 reads, and you guys got me to 898 as of today. I really enjoyed writing this but unfortunately, I have nothing more I can think to add. As always if any of you have ideas for stories let me know and I would be happy to see what I can do. I may try to do a one-shot book, but we will see. Thank you again so much! Happy reading.

Xoxo -E

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