Ch. 13

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Magnus P.O.V.

After about forty-five minutes of driving we pulled into a hole in the wall ice cream shop. It was familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on when I had been here before. "Alec I don't think he knows where we are. You failed."

"Shut up Raphael, no one asked for your opinion."

"Raph, be nice." Simon whispered into his boyfriend's ear. We all got out of the car and I walked over to Alec.

"Alec, this is too much. I can't believe you brought us all the way out here."

"It was worth it. I talked to your mom. She said you used to love to come here. It was your special place." It hit me. This was where she would take me when I had a bad day at school, or I didn't want to go home.

"Alec?" He turned to look at me. "I love you."

Alec P.O.V.

"Alec?" I turned to look at him. He looked beautiful. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Aww you two are adorable!" Ignoring Izzy, I pulled Magnus in for a kiss. When we pulled away, I noticed everyone was 'awwing', and Izzy was taking pictures. Finally we made it into the ice cream shop. Magnus and I got a chocolate milkshake to split, Izzy got some fufu thing that was way to complicated, Clary and Jace split a banana split, Simon got a hot fudge sundae, and Raphael and Meliorn claimed they didn't want anything, but they kept taking bites from their significant other's. After about two hours I realized, Magnus needed to get back to the hospital.

"Magnus", I said. My voice laced with sadness. "We need to get you back to the hospital. I don't want to, but..." There were tears in my eyes, and for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. I didn't have to though. He just knew. "Guys, I think we should get back."

"Ok", they all said in unison, like it was planned. Everyone got crammed back in the car, well except Magnus and I. We got the front seats.

***SORRY for such a short chapter. The next one will be really long. I promise. I won't be able to update till next week for all of my stories. I currently have no internet, so... But I promise there will be a long update next week. In the meantime you should check out my other stories. They are only like two chapters so far, but if you would give them a read it would be much appreciated. Again I am sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to update for you so here you go.

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