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Izzy P.O.V.

It had been weeks since the accident and Alec still wasn't talking to people, and he refused to leave his room except to go to school and to the hospital. He was a hot mess, to say the least, and that hot mess was starting to worry me. Our mother was so oblivious. She hadn't even noticed he had been acting differently, and he is her favorite child. Alec had gotten so bad even the teachers were worried. Raphael was not only worried about Alec, Simon had gotten so worried about Alec. Now Simon was so obsessed with making Alec feel better it was giving him anxiety. This situation just couldn't get any worse...or at least that's what I thought until he woke up.

Alec P.O.V.

It had been three weeks since Magnus' accident. He was the only one who knew, the only one who was keeping me from hurting myself. Without him I fell into a deep depression. What his father had said really got to me, and I was slipping further into my pit of self hate. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! NOT ONLY DID YOU MAKE HIM A FREAK, YOU TRIED TO KILL HIM TOO!" His words kept replaying in my mind, and I seemed to only get worse. He was right about one thing though, it was my fault. If I hadn't tried to call him, If I hadn't suggested we go back to school, If we hadn't ditched. He wouldn't be like this. Izzy was really worried. I told her not to, but that didn't deter her from doing exactly that. Other than her I didn't really talk to anyone, except Magnus of course, but he never responded. One night I couldn't take it anymore and I finally gave in to myself. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. Taking the razor from its hiding place under the sink, I held it in my shaking hand. I lifted my shirt and pulled down the waistband on my boxers. After making a few new cuts my leg was covered in blood. I didn't want to get caught, so I stopped. After I cleaned up, I went to bed. For the next few days I continued this same routine. One day after coming home from school, as I was heading up to the bathroom the phone rang. It was the hospital. My heartbeat sped up. "H-Hello?... Yes this is he... WHAT! I'LL BE RIGHT DOWN!"

"Alec what happened?"

"Izzy, he woke up!" I said with tears in my eyes. Before waiting for her response, I got in the car and drove off. Not waiting for her to join me.

"Can I help you?" A receptionist asked politely.

"I'm here to see Magnus Bane, room 221."

"Uh...Are you a blood relative?"


"Well then I'm sorry sir I cannot let you back to see him."

"Yes, you will. Look I have been in hell since he has been in a coma. I brought him in. He is my boyfriend, so I am going to see him. are not going to stop me!" All she did was give me a look of surprise, before nodding her head saying I could go through. I ran into the room and his mom was already there.

"I'll give I two a minute." Her voice was frail like she had been just crying. After she left the room I stood there in which for a minute.

"M-magnus...your really awake. It's really you." The tears I was trying desperately to hide were evident in my voice.

"The one and only." He said with a smirk on his face. His smirk quick disappeared when we mad eye contact. "Alexander what's wrong?" I didn't respond I just walked over to him. Giving him a tight hug I started crying. "Alec?"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"This, you are in the hospital because of me "

"Alexander look at me, this is not your fault. Now let's be positive what did I miss." I was no longer looking at Magnus. Now I was looking at my feet. The look on my face must have said more than I thought. "Alexander, tell me you didn't, please tell me that you didn't start again. I may be in a hospital bed, but I will not let you do that to yourself again."

"Do what?" Both of us looked up to see Izzy.

"Uh...nothing how long have you been standing there?" I started to panic, and Magnus must have realized it cause he grabbed my hand.

"I've been standing here long enough to know there is something going on Alec. Now tell me." I swallowed hard realizing I was going to have to tell her. Since I couldn't tell her I just lowered my waistband low enough to see the cuts. She let out a gasp of surprise and sympathy.
"Oh Alec.", was all she said before turning to leave.

"Alexander why?"

"Your dad went off on one. He said it was all my fault and that I tried to kill you. I let him get inside my head and it got to me. I'm so sorry." Now tears were streaming down my face.

"Firstly you should never ever listen to my father. Secondly just tell me how bad it got. It didn't get as bad as last time did it?" Instead of saying no I just slowly shook my head. "Come lay with me, I don't care if it's against the rules. Just please, lay with me."

"Okay" I laid next to him in the small hospital bed. We drifted to sleep. I heard someone come in. I opened my eyes slightly and saw it was a nurse. She seemed like she was about to tell me to leave, but she decided against it and left. That night was the first night I had a peaceful sleep. I was finally back to him, and he was holding me in his arms. I was happy for the first time in a long time.

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