Chapter 6: Counsel Meeting Part 2

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Aragorn found Autheil leaning against the pillar with a silent tear sliding down her face. Aragorn had only see Autheil cry once and that was when her mother died. Autheil was one to hide her emotions from people until she trusted them. Aragorn placed a hand on the shoulder of the young elf. "They believe you and probably respect you more than ever." he said.

"Does it disgust you? Knowing what I went through? Does it make you look at me any different?" she asked still not looking at him.

Aragorn shook his head "No, if anything I look at you with more love and respect than anything else. But I don't love you any less or am disgusted with you because of it."

Autheil looked at Aragorn with a small smile. Aragorn pulled her into his arms. "It's okay." he whispered. He then place a brotherly kiss on her head before they walked back to the Council.

Legolas watched the comforting transaction that happened between his friend and Autheil. He smiled at how strong she was but felt something wrong in his stomach when Aragorn placed a kiss on her head and then walked back with her hand in hand.

The rest of the members were silent as the two came back all eyes on Autheil. "Now if you are all done being prideful pigs then maybe we can continue the real nature of this meeting." Autheil said as she sat down and motioned to the Ring.

"It is a gift." Boromir said as he stood up. " A gift from the foes of Mordor. Long has my father, the steward of Gondor kept the forces of Mordor at bae. By the blood of our people are your land kept safe." he continued as he walked in front of the members. "Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against him."

"You can not wield it." Aragorn interjected making Boromir face him. "None of us can. The Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."

"And what would a mere ranger know of this matter?" Boromir asked.

Autheil looked to defend Aragorn but Legolas bet her to it standing up from is chair. "This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn son of Arathorn. You owe him you allegiance."

A look of disbeilf crossed Boromir's face. "Aragorn? This is Ilsaedur heir?" he asked as he looked back at Aragorn.

"An heir to the throne of Gondor." Legolas completed.

"Hava dad (Sit down.) Legolas." Aragorn said not wanting anything to start up.

Legolas did as was asked of him. Boromir turned to Legolas "Gondor has no king." he then turned back to Aragorn and kept his gaze as he returned to his chair "Gondor needs no king." he said and then slumped down in his chair. Autheil was about to get up and argue but Aragorn grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back down "Don't." he said sternly. Autheil huffed but listened.

"Aragron is right we can not use it." Gandalf said.

Elrond stood back up "You have but one choice the Ring must be destroyed."

Boromir looked down with a slight look of devastation.

"What are we waiting for?" Gimli said impatiently. He stood up, grabbed his ax, took two steps forward and raised his ax his over his head, bringing it down on the Ring full force. Elrond moved to stop him but it was already to late. Gimli was sent flying on his back, his ax shattered in pieces and the Ring still whole.

Both Gandalf and Autheil noticed the pain look across Frodo's face when Gimli hit it but thought nothing of it.

"The Ring can not be Gimli son of Gloin by any craft that we here posses. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade." Elrond explained as the other dwarfs helped their kinsman up.

"It must take deep into Mordor and cast back into fiery casem from which it came." Elrond said fiercely.

"One of you must do this." he said much calmer but dared not look at his daughter as he said it.

Moment's passed and no one said nothing. "One does not simply walk into Mordor. It's Black Gates are guarded there by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The Great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren waste land middle with fire, ash and dust. The very air you breath is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly." Bormir said.

"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said. The Ring must be destroyed." Legolas clarified as if it was not already clear enough.

"And I suppose you think your the one to do it?" Gimli questioned angrily.

"And if we fail what then?" Boromir asked standing up. "What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?"

"I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf." Gimli said angrliy and stood up.

The other elves jumped up and began to argue with the dwarfs. Legolas put his arms out to hold them back. "Never trust an elf." Gimli shouted over the several arguments being made. The only one to be left sitting were Aragron, Elrond, Autheil, Gandalf and Frodo. Autheil shook her head in disappointment. Gandalf then joind in the arugment with Bormir. Autheil pulled out her wand and counted to ten in her head.

When she reached five she stood up, held her wand out over her head and let red sparks fly out. "Enough!" she shouted. She then gained everyone's attention. "Look at yourselves. Can we please for once put aside our petty differences and work together?" she asked. "Now if you can't do that then I will take the Ring to Mordor. Now I know lots of you would love to see the Ring in the hands of a woman." sarcasm dripping from her lips. "But I will do it if you do not put away your arrogant prides." she nearly screamed in frustration.

After a moment and everyone seemed calm enough and slightly ashamed "Now who will accept the task and take the ring to Mordor?" she asked calmly.

"I will take it." a small voiced said from behind her. "I will take the Ring to Mordor." Frodo volunteered. All eyes now on him. "No I do not know the way." he explained.

"I will help you bear this burden Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear." Gandalf said and stood behind him.

Autheil stepped forward "I will do everything in my power to help protect you and guide if I can." she said and stood behind him next to Gandalf.

Aragorn rose "If by my life or death I too can protect you, I will." he then knelt in front of Frodo "You have my sword." he then joined Autheil side.

"And you have my bow." Legolas volunteered and stood beside Gandalf.

"And my ax." Gimli said and moved next to Legolas but stood a good foot away from him.

"You carry the fate of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done." Boromir said. And moved next to Gimli.

"Here!" a voice from behind the plants behind them said. Out came sprinting hobbit Sam. He stood next to Frodo and crossed his arms. "Mr. Frodo is not going anywhere without me." he declared.

"Well it is nearly impossible to separate you two. Even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not." Elrond stated drawing a look of guilt from Sam.

"Hey, were coming too!" stated Merry as he and Pippin came out from hiding behind the pillars and joined the others.

"You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us." Merry said.

Pippin turned to Lord Elrond and confidently said "Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of"

Both Elrond and Gandalf looked taken back at the two. "Well that rules you out Pip." Merry muttered to Pippin who's smile instantly faded.

"Ten companions." Elrond said as he looked over the group "So be it. You shall be the fellowship on the Ring" he said with pride and looked at his daughter.

"Great. Where are we going?" Pippin asked earning a chuckle from Autheil.

Merry then explained to him softly they were going to Mordor while the meeting was called to a close.

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