They got up and started walking again when they thought it was the next morning. The walked on for what seemed like miles until the reached their destination. Gimli caught glimps of a large room with a bight white light shining down on something Gimli let out a chiked cry and ran to the room. "Gimli!" Gandalf called after him but he did not stop. Gimli ran into the room that was covered by dead dwarf corps and old paper.
Gimli stopped in front of as stone coffin which the bright light fell upon. "No." he said and fell to his knees. He looked at the coffin and then bowed his head and sobbed "Oh" he cried. The Fellowship joined their companion in the large room.
Autheil saw the grave and placed a comforting hand on Gimli's shoulder. Gandalf walked over and read the description on the coffin "Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria" he read. Gimli banged his helmet on the edge of the coffin and then let out another loud sob. "It's as I feared." Gandalf said to Legolas and Aragorn as he took off his hat.
"I'm sorry Gimli. I liked Balin he was a great person." Autheil said trying to comfort Gimli.
A old book being held by a dead dwarf caught Gandalf's eye. He then gave Pippin his staff and hat to hold. Gandalf carefully moved the bony, webbed hand and picked up the book. Gandalf opened the book and blew on the page then wiping his hand over it to remove the dust, making Autheil wonder how long it had been there for.
"We must move on. We can not linger." Legolas said in a worried voice to Aragorn then looking back at Gandalf.
"'They have take the bridge and the second hall.'" Gandalf read gaining everyone's attention even Gimli's. "'We have barred the gates but can not hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums drums in the deep.'" he read then glaceed up before turning to the next page. "'We can not get out.'" he read. Legolas and Autheil began to look around the room alarmed. Autheil had a feeling like something bad was coming. She clenched her bow tighter. "'A shadow moves in the dark. We can not get out.'" Gandalf looked up at the group in front of him "'They are coming.'". Just then Autheil caught glimpse of Pippin touching an old arrow in the chest of a dead corps that was sitting on the well.
"Pippin don't'!" she said but it was to late the head of the dwarf fell off and down the well. Pippin jumped back as the rest of the body and chain fell down the well. The loud sound echoed all around them and through the dead mine. The Fellowship listened in fear as the sounds started to fade. Autheil grabbed Legolas's hand in fear but he smiled at her action but still kept his focus around them. The sound finally faded and there was nothing after it. Everyone took let out a breath of relief.
Gandalf closed the book angrily "Fool of a Took!" he said and put the book down on the coffin. "Next time throw yourself in and rid us of your stupidity." he said grabbing his hat and staff from Pippin who looked down in shame. "Gandalf." Autheil said in a scolding manner to let him know that those words were not necessary.
Loud thumps began to sound getting louder and louder. Everyone turned their attention back to the well as the sound became clearer like the banging of drums followed by unfriendly screeches.
"Frodo?" Sam asked in fear. Frodo took out his sword Sting that would glow blue when Orcs were near and sure enough it was glowing blue.
"Orcs." Legolas said and turned towards the door. Boromir ran towards the door to see what they were going to have to fight against but instead almost got hit in the head with two arrows.
"Get back and stay close to Gandalf." Aragorn ordered the hobbits who then huddled around Gandalf.
Aragorn aided Boromir in shutting the doors. "They have a cave troll." he informed them.
Love Can Fight Any Battle (Legolas/Hermione Love Story
FanfictionHermione Granger returns to her home in Middle-Earth after the Battle of Hogwarts only to find evil lurking at her front door. Autheil as she is known in Middle-Earth joins her long time friend Aragorn in the quest to destroy the one Ring all while...