Chapter 24: Love and Aid

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Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Autheil walked off to the armory that was filled with males of all ages. They examined the weapons around them along with the men. Aragorn picked up a sword and looked at it before dropping it back on the table.

"Farmers,farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers" Aragorn said. "Most have seen too many winters." Gimli said. "Or too few." Legolas commented like he was irritated. Autheil looked at him curiously from where she sat next to Gimli.

"Look at them there frightened. I can see it in their eyes." he continued, everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the elf. "And so they should be. Three hundred...against ten thousand." Legolas said looking at Aragorn. "They have more hope of defense here than in Edoras." Aragorn said. "Aragorn they can not win this fight. They are all going to die!" Legolas said, Autheil shot up from her seat.

"Then I shall die as one of them!" Aragorn returned, stepping in front of Legolas who looked a little speechless at his friend and in worry. Aragorn took in a breathe and then turned to walk away. Everyone watched him leave in silence but Autheil wasn't going to have any of it.

Autheil stood in front of Legolas and smacked his across the face, not as hard as she could have but just enough for him to snap out of his despair. Legolas whipped his head back, looking at her in disbelief at her actions as did every man around them. "You never give in to fear! Not even now, because once you do it makes you a easy target and they kill you. How many times have we been in this position and we came through? We shouldn't be here but we are because we believed we could and because we did it together. But if you want to walk down the road of abandonment and despair then fine. Do it, but don't you dare ask me to go with you." she said sternly. With that she turned and walked out through the crowd who made a path for her.

"Autheil." Legolas started to follow after her but Gimli stopped him. "Let her go lad. Let her be so she cools down." he suggested. Legolas didn't listen to him and went after her.

He looked for what seemed like hours till he found her in one of the towers. She was sitting on the ledge letting her feet dangle, with a tear on her face.

Legolas took in a deep breath "Autheil." he said and walked up behind her. "I'm sorry." he said and sat down next to her. "I know." she replied but didn't look at him.

"I'm afraid to lose you. I always have been. Those battles we fought we did it because we had to but this one we have a choice. I don't think we ever had these odd against us but you were right. I was just as afraid as the men in that room." Legolas explained causing Autheil to look up at him. "I'm just afraid that I won't be able to protect you." he finished sadness in his eyes.

Autheil cupped his cheek with her hand. "I'm scared to lose you too but i'd rather die next to you in honor than to spend our whole lives running with that shame." she explained. Legolas pulled her close and Autheil leaned her head on his chest.

"I'm sorry I hit you." she said after a moment. Legolas chuckled for a moment "Don't worry, I don't blame you. I deserved it." he said. "And it did knock some sense into me." he said, Autheil smiled "Good." she said and placed her lips on his. He returned the kiss gratefully, Autheil still felt as he was trying to apologize.

She broke the kiss "I have something for you but you have to close your eyes." she told him, earning her a skeptically look for a moment but he did as she asked and closed his eyes. Autheil hands undid the necklace she wore ever since her birth, she grabbed Legolas's hand and placed it in his. She then kissed his lips lightly as she closed his hand. "Okay." she said and he opened his eyes, he looked down and opened his hand.

His eyes widened at the beautiful jewel in his hand. The crystal now shining bright pink. "It's always belong to you and it always will." she said. She took the necklace from him and clasped it around his neck securely. Legolas leaned in and kissed her passionately. He held her against him as tight as he could not wanting there to be any space between them.

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