Chapter 13: Lothlórien

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They reached the forest without any problem. They walked among the trees carefully. "Stay close young hobbits." Gimli said. "They say a great sorceress lives in these woods. A elf-witch of terrible power." he said and looked around him. "All who look upon her, fall under her spell or are never seen again." Gimli finished cautiously. "That's not true." Autheil interjected, rolling her eyes. "I have looked upon her many times and nothing happened." she said. "How?" Sam asked. "She's my grandmother." Autheil said.

"Well here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eye of a hawk and the ears of a fox." Gimli gloated before coming face to face with an arrow. Ten elves at the ready came out from their hiding places bows at the ready. The hobbits were scared and shocked, Gimli didn't dare move, Aragorn raised his hands in surrender and Legolas pointed his bow and arrow at the elf in front of him even though it was useless. Autheil however just leaned next to the tree next to her as she stood at the back of the group with her arms crossed and a smirk of amusement.

"The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark." said the blond captain of the guard as he came forward. Gimli growled while he glared at the elf.

"Not if I beat you to it." Autheil said. The captain turned his attention to the voice to see his long time friend leaning against the tree with a smirk.

Haldir's eyes widen with surprise. "You're alive?" he asked with his still open in amazement. Autheil smiled "I am indeed. Now close your mouth you look like fish" she said and walked up to him. Haldir shut his mouth immediately. They both just stared at each other with straight faces for a bit until couldn't stand it any longer, smiles broke out on their faces and a laugh escaped both of their lips. They pulled each other into a hug, Legolas felt a jolt of pain as he watched the two embrace each other.

"Welcome back Autheil." Haldir said, releasing her.

"Thank but we need to talk with you." she said seriously.

"Come, we must get out of the clear." He replied and lead the way. Autheil nodded for the others to follow.

They came to one of the elven outposts.

"Welcome Legolas son of Thrandil." Haldir greeted him.

"Our Fellowship stands in your debt." he replied with gratitude.

Haldir turned to Aragorn. "Aragon of Dunédin, you are known to us." Aragorn bowed slightly in acknowledgment.

"Authiel daughter of Lord Elrond and granddaughter of Lady Gladreil, you are kin to us." Autheil placed her hand over her heart and bowed her head.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of the elves, speak a language we can all understand." Gimli said in a grouch. Haldir eyed him and sneered "We have not had dealing with the dwarfs since the dark days."

"And you know what this dwarf says to that?" Gimli sneered and then spoke in his native tongue. "I spit on your grave." Autheil lifted her hand to take her knife from her back but Haldir put his hand up to stop her. Aragorn had then turned to Gimli placing a firm hand on his shoulder.

"That was not so courteous." he told .Gimli who didn't say another word.

Haldir walked passed Aragorn and looked over the group of hobbits. His eyes landed on Frodo "You bring great evil here." he said with large eyes filled with worry. He then turned to Aragorn "You can go no further." he said and turned away. Autheil looked to follow him but Aragorn stopped her and did it instead.

The fellowship sat down and waited as Aragorn and Haldir conversed back an forth in hushed tone.

"What are they saying?" Pippin asked.

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