Chapter Two

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( my own lyrics in this song, please don't steal! )


"Bye mamas." I said and Giselle gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Say bye to mommy."

"Bye mommy!" They yelled and I laughed as she gave our daughter a kiss on the head, and Kaleb a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you both later. Have a good day at school babes. Mommy loves you." She said and we waved her off as she closed the car door.

After she sped off, I looked at the kids and they smiled excitedly. "It's time to get you two to school, tiny lil' munchkins." I told them and they nodded as they pulled their backpack closer. "Ready?"

"Ready Freddy, daddy."

"Who's Freddy?" I asked Nani and she blushed. "Kanani Noel..."

"No one! It's a joke!" She laughed and I nodded as I unlocked my car. I buckled her seatbelt and then Kaleb climbed in through the other side, ficing his own.

"That'a boy." I smiled and we shared a high five. I got into the driver's side, pulling my sunglasses down as I turned the car on.

They began to sing along to the radio and I laughed as I pulled out of the driveway. I hummed along with them, and then smiled as I quickly drove away from our house. "Please don't play," Kaleb yelled and I shook my head. "No more sad songs."

I took a drink of my coffee and then ran a hand through my hair as Nani began rambling about how she's excited for school and can't wait till see her friends. "Your guys' friends can come over if they want." I told them and Nani shook her head.

"You're always naked daddy." She told me and I gasped as I turned my blinker on. "No."

"I am not naked all the time!" I protested and Kaleb just giggled as he watched us. "What if I put clothes on then? Would you let your friends come over? I know you want them to."

She nodded and I laughed. "I'll start wearing shirts then, promise." I said and she reached her pinky finger out.

I curled my littlest finger around her's and we promised as she pulled away. I quickly pulled into the front of the school and the two unbuckled their seatbelt, immediately running into the school towards a group of kids their age.

"Shit." I muttered and then got out. "Kaleb!" I called and he turned around. "You're lunch buddy." I reminded and held up a bag.

He ran back and then gave me a hug. I kissed his cheek and he laughed. "Have a good day baby, I love you." I told him and pinched his cheek gently.

"Bye daddy, I love you too." He kissed my cheek and then went running back to her friends. I waved and then got back into car as I got a text.

I read it quickly and then sighed, telling my friend that I'd be at the studio in fifteen minutes.


"You got me on my knees, praying to god that you ain't gon' leave, praying to the lord that you know you're all I need," I rapped into the microphone in front of me, looking at my friend, Josaline, as she smiled. "Ain't a moment too soon that you came into my life, yeah you got me when I was dangling on that line of what the fuck I'm gon' do with my life, cause now that you're here babygirl, I don't ever want you to leave-"

"Baby if this is love then let me fall, swear that if you'll be my girl that I'll make you my all, we ain't got nothing but these four while walls," she sang and I took a step away from my microphone. "If this is love then baby let's just fall."

I nodded my head and then flipped off the producer, who was recording us on his phone. I stuck my tongue out and I watched as he laughed, only faintly hearing him from inside of here. I nodded my head and then turned my phone on to look at the lyrics written in my notes.

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