Chapter Eight

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"So you have a twin brother that you never knew about?" Giselle asked and I nodded as she held my hands.

"Pretty much. I mean... I knew he existed in the world, but I didn't know he was my brother. That's fucking freaky." I laughed and she kissed my cheek. "I don't know how to feel, honestly."

"I wouldn't either. I was an only child, and can't imagine finding out I had a twin sister after twenty-one years. I'd be so upset." She shrugged and I nodded. "Kids' family tree project is due this Friday, are we putting Calum's face on it? Or your actual family's faces on it?"

"No, they didn't raise me. My parents are the ones who raised me, and they belong kn the tree, not Calum's. However, I feel like we should put his just to make sure he knows it's official." I teased and she rolled her eyes. "It's truly official once you get your face on a first grader's family tree."

"Who needs official documents, right? Slap your photo on a kid's family tree and you're suddenly apart of the family." She laughed and I nodded. "How do you ecplain Calum being there and not his family?"

"It's a first grade class, no one is gonna ask." I snorted and she agreed.

"Come on, we needn't help them. They need pictures and to fill out this little paper." She reminded me.

"Alright, come on then." I said and we went downztairs. "Nani? Kaleb? Can daddy tell you a secret?"

"I love secrets!" My daughter cheered as she ran up to me. "What is it? Tell us!"

"On your family tree, you know how at first there's no aunty or uncle?" I asked since Gi and I were both the only kids growing up, and they nodded.


"Well, now... turns out, you have an uncle." I told them and they were confused. Very confused.

"Is he a baby?" Kaleb sked and I shook my head. "How? Was he secret?"

"Well... you know Calum, right?" I asked and they nodded. "We took a test, and it said we're brothers. So for awhile, he was a secret and so was I."

"Like a writing test?" Nani asked and I shook my head. "What kind of test?"

"Doesn't matter, but turns out he's my brother. Which means, you actually have more family to put on the tree instead of just putting Bryana and Crystal." I told them since the two girls were family to Giselle, 'sisters from different misters' they say. I never had close friends like her, so my side would have been empty.

"Can I still put them? They're too pretty not to." Nani asked and I laughed as I nodded.

"Is that why you look like Calum, daddy?" Kaleb asked and Giselle spoke up.

"Does daddy look like Calum, or does Calum look like daddy?" Giselle asked and I rolled my eyes at the silly question.

"Come on, no time for pondering. We gotta work on these posters." I said and Nani immediately handed me green glitter. "Oh my god, who bought this?"

"Have fun." Gi winked and then checked her watch. "I'm starting dinner. I invited Calum, Michael, and Crystal since the others see going out."

"No. Hell no. Get that butt out here and help me with these." I said and grabbed her arm. "Sit down and find pictures to print for this."

"Find pictures? Why don't we just use ours?"

"We're not cutting up our photos or going TI get copies just so we can cut them up. Just print them. Our photos are everywhere on the Internet anyways." I told her and she rose an eyebrow.

Calum Hood's Secret BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now