Chapter 2- Launch Party

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I really can't imagine a life with out him.


It was Monday lunch time at school. Tomoe and Nanami had gone up on the roof to study. I had decided to help Kurma again. If I'm not careful it might become a regular thing. We were sitting on a bench behind the school so fan girls couldn't find us.
"I was wondering..." Kurma hesitated.
"Would you like to go to a launch party tonight. I'm allowed to invite one person and I thought you would like to come. I'm just worried that the fox...
"Don't worry about Tomoe. He doesn't control my life."
"Okay. I'll pick you up at five?"
"Sounds great."
Just then the bell went signalling the end of break.
"See you tonight." I said as I stood up.
"Will do."


"Where are you going?"
"Kurma asked me to be his plus one to a launch party." I explained as I buckled up my white wedges.
"And you agreed!?"
"Relax will ya? Its only a few hours." I smiled at him before peaking him on the lips. "I love you."
"Evening. Tomoe do you mind if I borrow Kaiyō for a few hours?" Kurma stood in the doorway.
"Of course I mind!" Tomoe snapped.
"Ignore him. Let's go." I followed Kurma out the door. I wore a light blue cocktail dress that reached down to my ankles, white wedges and a pearl jewellery set.
Kurama open a door to his limo for me.
"Cliché much?" I taunted.
"Just get in." He chuckled and jumped in after me.


"We're here." Kurma said and we both got out.
"Wait a minute isn't that Nanamis third familiar?" Kurma pointed to the text parked on the side of the road.
"Mizuki?" I mumble as I turned around to see Mizuki and Kotetsu sitting in a taxi. The driver didn't seem pleased.
"Hey, what's a little snake doing in a city like this?"
"Kurma. At last I found you!" Mizuki jumped out of the taxi and hugged Kurma. "Please give me 5840 yen."
"What did you do?"
"Kaiyō? What are you doing here?"
"Kurma has a party on and he invited me. Better question is why your here."
"I came her to see Kurma."
"Why?" I asked but was soon interrupted by a voice calling after Kurma.

"Kurma! Let's get going. We got that television launch party happening at six. You know you can't miss it. My reputation as your manager would be ruined if you did." A male wearing a blue suit and white tie ranted. "Oh, who's this?"
"This is Kaiyō. She's a friend of mine and this is Mizuki. He is a friend of hers but we just ran into him." Kurma introduced us.
"They should come to the launch party with us!"
"Actually Kaiyō is my plus one. Mizuki has other places to be right now."
"I'm sure Tomoe can handle the chores for a little bit. That sound really fun."
"Come see for yourself." The manager said cheerfully.
"Who's manager are you!?" Kurama yelled. He obviously didn't what Mizuki here.


"Disgusting." Mizuki muttered.
"The food wasn't cooked with your taste in mind. So what are you doing so far away from the Mikage shrine?"
"I could ask you the same thing. How can you live in a place like this? The whole city is filled with a negative aura and all the people are mean. I can barley breath here let alone live here."
"Then go back to the shrine already." Kurma took Mizukis fork and ate the food of it before Mizuki could. "Your not cut out for this place."
"There you are. There someone you must meet." Kurma got up, pulling me up to. The manager lead us to a fairly middle aged woman, probably around her mid forties.
"My daughter is a huge fan of yours. She'll be so jealous when I tell her I met you in person."
"It's not everyday I have the pleasure of being called upon by a legendary actress."
"Oh, you flatter me." She paused for a bit as she spotted me in the background. "Who's that?"
"This is Kaiyō Sukuna." Kurma beckoned me closer. "She's a close friend of mine. She's not good around around new people, but after you get to know her she's quite eccentric." This is half true. I'm fine around yokai, however, humans I have never met before are difficult for me to feel comfortable around.
"Nice to met you." I mumbled but managed to make my words clear.

"Here you go ma'am. Here's the drink you asked for. Sorry for the wait."
"What the hell is that? Can you not see I am holding a desert in my hand? A sugary sprint like that will do nothing to cleanse my palette. Could you have grabbed something more appropriate?"
"My apologies ma'am. I'll be right back with something else for ya." I felt sorry for the poor girl. I was starting to really hate this woman.
"Who's that?"
"One of the worse assistances I've ever had, but that what I get for being kind hearted to a girl from the country. She aspires to be an actress one day, thinking about makes me want to laugh." That's it.

"Who do you think you are!?" I snapped. "You act like a snob towards a young girl who went out her way to serve you, making her feel useless. Not only that, you say that her goal of becoming an actress is laughable even though I know you were in her position once. People like you make me sick. Now excuse me." I stormed off to go help the girl.

"I thought you said she was quite?"
"She usually is. I'm sorry about that. She tends to behave this way when standing up for something she believes in." I heard Kurma answer the snobs question before I got out of hearing rang in a loud room like this.

There as a soft groan coming from the floor.
"Please help me." Mizuki? "I feel so bad. Someone kill me."
Thinking quickly I lifted him onto one of my shoulders and braved in outside to the balcony. A soft breeze was blowing. Perfect.
"Can I help?" It was the girl from before.
"A cool cloth would be lovely, thanks." She nodded and ran back inside as I placed him on the bench.
"Mizuki? You okay?" The girl can running back outside and placed the cloth on his forehead.
"Don't you die here mister." His eyes shot open.
"Who are you. Where am I?"
"You passed out. I think you drank something a little bit to strong for you to handle."
"Would you like some water?" The girl asked and offered it to Mizuki.
"Thank you." He took the glass.
"Shoot! Ma'am asked me to get her a drink. I got to go."
"Wait. Before you go, have this. It's sake. I brewed it myself. I'm sure it would suit your ladies tastes."

"Not a problem." Mizuki smiled at her as she disappeared back inside. "I better go. You coming?"
"I should go say good bye to Kurama. Wait for me." I ran back inside to she the girl serving the women Mizukis sake.
"Kurama! Mizuki just woke up from passing out. We should go anyway. I'll see you at school tomorrow?" I turned to the women. "I'm sorry for the way I acted before. I could help myself."
"Your right. I wouldn't of treated her that way. Thank you for telling the stuff that you did."
"Anytime." I joked. "I got to go. See ya." I ran outside and jumped on Mizukis white snake.

"So what did you think of the human world master Mizuki?"
"At the moment I'm only worried about on thing. What's Tomoe gonna think when I say I spent all of the shrine offerings on a sticker?"
"You did what!?"

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