Chapter 18- Drinking

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"Shinjuro. Attended by real familiars." I help Tomoe prepare the wine while Kurama talk to Juro. I could feel Juro keeping an eye on me and Tomoe as she set up the drinks. I knew that he could tell who I was and it made me extremely nervous. Tomoe must have noticed as he gave me a sympathetic smile. I smiled back. I really do love him even though we don't have a chance to show our affection very often because of your roles as familiars. "I must say I never expected this."

"Good to see you to brother. I have heard that my farther recently fell ill. Where is he at the moment?"
"He is inside the sanctum. He is extremely ill so allowing you to see him is impossible. Even if you are a land god you are no longer apart of the mountain regardless off your name." Juro sneered.

"I admit our past is a bit checked, but let us forgive and forget. I'm here today to celebrate your excestion to become the forth Sajobo. Is tribute I come with a gift from the heavens." He held up he medical wine. "It would be an honour if you shared a drink with me."
"Very well then." I felt my heart skip in victory. Now we just have to get him out cold.
I handed Kurama a glass and Tomoe handed Juro a glass. Tomoe poured for both and knelt down beside me.

"Since your are claiming to be a god, you must have familiar with the familiar I met under the tree yesterday. I must say she shares a striking resemblance to your hood familiar. I believe she called her self Kaiyō Sukuna." I noticed Tomoes ear twitch at the sound of my name.
"Yes. Very sorry about that. I sent Kaiyō to go check on the cherry blossom tree as I had heard that it had withered away. It seems she was just at the wrong palace at the wrong time." Kurama tried to play it off.
"You are aware that females are forbidden, are you not."
"I am. That is why she is hiding her face. However she is my best and most experienced familiar. It wouldn't look good if I showed up with a familiar who is still learning." Tomoe glared at Kurama. Luckily Juro didn't see.
"Just don't let her get to close to the others." Juro ordered as he took a sip of the wine.


Tenth! This is the tenth time we've filled you those dame dishes and Juro still didn't seem drunk. However, Kurama was slumped on the floor. This wasn't going well.
"I'm finding your heavenly potion rather good. What's the matter Shinjuro? Theirs still a great deal of it left you know." Juro signalled Tomoe to pour more into Kuramas dish.
"So how you feeling brother?" Kurama weakly said.
"Just fine. We're you planing to get me drunk so you could perform some sort of pathetic revenge? This must be disappointing. I'm not a light weight. You are the one we insisted we drink. You will finish the entire bottle."

Tomoes eyes met mine. I had to do it.
"This have gone far enough master Juro." I said as I stood up and fiddled with the clasp on my cloak "I shall keep you company instead." I smirked as I removed my cloak. There it was again. The flash of confusion, but this time I could tell what other emotion we was feeling. The stupid tengu had gained feelings for me. This I could use.

"Is there a problem? You were speaking so confidently earlier." I let out a disappointed sigh as I fiddled with my hair. Juro froze at my actions. I teleported next to him and lent my back on his arm.
"So it was you under the cherry blossom tree?"
"I thought you could tell straight away. I must say you have a very tight grip. My wrist was almost crushed. I was afraid I was going to lose it. You are very rough, especially in the way you treated me." He stayed quite. "Oh my."
"What?" He snapped.
"I didn't expect for you to fall for me so quickly."
"Well it's not like it wishful thinking. I'm quite happy with my boyfriend." I stated and paused for a bit as he took a sip of the wine. "I'm not allowed here yet you still have not kicked me out. Why is that?"
"I can't kick a familiar of a god out of the compound."
"I don't see why not. It's your compound."
"Do you want me to kick you out?" He still refused to make eye contact. "Everything you have said so far is absolutely ridiculous. As if I could be distracted by a woman." Before he could react, I swiftly grabbed his collar and looked him in the eye.
"Then prove it to me. Look me in the eye and give me a piece of your mined." He swiped my hand away.

"How dare you. I would never. Sorceress! You attempting to seduce me." I punched him in the face. A bit uncalled for but he deserved it, plus poor Tomoe has had to watch me this whole time and I though I should give him something to enjoy.
"Oh please. I'm quite happy with who I'm with. I don't need some tengu jerk!" He hit the ground and looked at me in shock, cradling his cheek in his hand. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for things to get this out of hand." I bowed and I let next to Tomoe who helped me put my hood on.

Before we could even start talking again a literal tornado appeared out of no where and stater speaking.
"Master Juro. What has happened? You let yourself get distracted and let intruders get into the inner compound."
"I did warn you of this. Now we have a tengu and a monkey locked up inside the basement." I glanced over at Tomoe who knew exactly what I was thinking. Nanami and Mamoru have been found. "And I bet if I apply some pressure they will spill the beans about working with these three." Tomoe and I snapped. We both summoned our elements and lunged forward.

"Tomoe! Kaiyō! STOP!" We both paused. We had to obey Kurama in order to sell this charade.
"I'm terribly sorry about my familiars less then appropriate actions. But honestly I can't blame them for trying to attack you. As familiars, they don't appreciate rumours being spread about me. However you can't really blame them as they were wild once." Before he finished specking a magical blue cage surrounded us. Well were caught.

"You idiots! We got pinched thanks to that little stunt you pulled!" Kurama yelled at us.
"Since when was I a wild yokai! I grew up in a castle!"
"I had to think of something after you tried to attack Juro!"
"I was after the sheep." I referred to Yatori.
"I'm not a sheep!" Yatori yelled at me.
"If you didn't stop us we would of torn them to shreds and this whole ordeal would have been over before it started!" Tomoe yelled back at Kurama.
"That was never part of the plan! Why isn't any of this sinking into your fuzzy pointed skull!"
"Nanami has been caught so our plan must change." Tomoe argued. "Now let's go find her." Tomoe reached out to the bars.
"I wouldn't touch them." To late. He screamed in pain as the bars electrocuted him.

"Forget it. Yokai power won't do anything against it." Kurama sighed as he untied the hat he's been wearing. "We need a better plan. We now that Nanami has been put into the dungeon so we need to figure out how to rescue her."
"Well unless any one knows magic other then Yokai, where stuck." I mumbled as I sat down and rested my head in my hands.

After about an hour I noticed that the guard had left.
"Um guys. The guard just left."
"Well now would be the time to think of a plan fox."
"You have a brain. Use it. Don't tell Tomoe to think of everything." I snapped.
"Well he could at least contribute!"
"What like how you stopped us from attacking the sheep. We would be out of here by know if you just let us attack him!"
"Juros the one that cast the spell, not Yatori. Killing him wouldn't change anything!"
"Don't speak to her in such a manor crow!" Tomoe snapped as he pulled me behind him.
"I can handle my own fights thankful very much."
"Not till you explain to me why you did what you did back there. It seemed like you enjoyed flirting with Juro!"
"We needed a way to distract him so Nanami could explore freely. When I met him underneath the eternal cherry blossom tree I noticed that he had feeling for me so I utilised them. It's not like I actually like the guy!"
"So. First couple fight. How dose it feel?"
"Shut it bird brain!"

Just as I snapped at Kurama a gold light filled the room and our cage faded away.
"Nanamis barrier against evil?"
"She did it. Let's go find her so we can get out of here!" I announced and left the room. As I ran the hood fell of my head but I didn't care. We where free.
I soon found Nanami standing outside with Mamoru.

"Nanami! Good job. Let's get out of here."
"We can't leave yet."
"Why? The Sajobos healed."
"No. When I found him he was stone. Frozen. A weird guy named Yatori captured us and told us his plans for the tengu. He stole the Sajobos sole just so he could gain control of the tengu. Apparently the guy we works for wants an unstoppable army and the tengu will follow there leader anywhere. They were the perfect choice." For some reason I keep on getting a feeling that Kirihito has something to do with this.
"Do you have any idea where the soul is?"
"I do." Jurors voice came from behind us.

"I think I have an idea of where the soul is."

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