Chapter 17- Plan

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After walking around in the cold mountain air for half an hour we found Kurama on a cliff ledge, looking over the compound.
"You could never do it." Tomoe pointed out.
"What?" Kurama asked.
"If you don't even know that someone is behind you before they speak then you have no way of getting into that compound by yourself, let alone have business being a Sajobo."
Kurama smirked. "I was just thinking the exact same thing fox. Even from this far away I can tell they have gone over board with security. Triple the amount of barriers and guards at every entrance and hall way." There was a silence for a moment, the only noise was the sound of the wind as is lightly wisped past our ears and blew our hair around.

"Suiro asked us to take you home." Kurma smiled when he heard this.
"I knew he would ask something like that. The truth is I wasn't prepared for any of this. Brother Suiro saw right though me. It's so lame I could die."
"So what do you wish to do?" I asked. Kurama didn't answer.
"Remember where always here for you." Nanami smiled. So she finally decided to join us. "So, what do you whant to do next?"
"We sneak into the compound and give my old man the pills. Would me?"
"Sure!" Nanami and I giggled and attack him with hugs.
"We're always here for you. Remember that." I couldn't help but notice Tomoes ears twitch with jealousy. Yokai men. I swear I will never understand them.


"The same room? All three of us?" Tomoe had just had a bath and wasn't to happy to hear that we were all sharing a room.
"It can't be helped. Since your my familiars he was trying to be welcoming."
"I don't see the problem. Please don't tell me the events a Izumo still creat tension." I thought back to the whole camisole fight and kimono incident. Not the best of Tomoes moments.
Before I knew it Tomoe had split the room with a paper screen with our futons on one and Nanamis on the other.
"Problem solved."
"Honestly. Just get along for once. Please. It would certainly make my life a whole lot easier." I mumbled as I collapsed on my futon.

"You guys still awake?" Kurama burst into the room with a map in hand. "I got a map of the compound. Where sneaking in tomorrow."
"We still don't have a plan yet."
"Why do you think I'm here?" We all sat down in a circle and put the map in the centre. "The compound is surrounded by barriers, so in order to get inside we must be invited in. There likely to be more barriers inside he compound as well as the one surrounding it."

"So I order to get past them we need to distract the caster and I'll bet Juro is the caster." I continued. "The question is how?"
"One group will get Brother Juro drunk with this medical liquor. The other will find the Sajobo."
"Surely it would be fast to do away with Juro." Tomoe muttered.
"No. I don't want to injure anyone. Just get the old man up on his feet."
"So how do we get inside?" Nanami asked.
"Well first we need groups."
"Well naturally I will accompany the girls as we have to serve Nanami. You can distract Juro by yourself."
"Alone!" He didn't seem to like that idea.
"Kaiyō and Nanami can't walk around the compound and I have to stay by Nanamis side."
"I don't see how this is fair at all. Just because we're female doesn't mean we can't sneak around the compound by ourselves!" I took a deep breath. "I have a plan."
"Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to hate this?" Tomoe and Kurama mumbled. I chuckled at my plan. This is going to be fun.


"I hate this plan." Tomoe mumbled. It was morning and we were all standing outside working out the details on the plan. We had decided that since Kurama was a tengu, we would be more likely to get in if he had become a land god and since Tomoe was a familiar he was to serve Kurama. Since I was seen and introduced myself as a familiar I had to accompany Kurama. While we where distracting Juro, Nanami and Mamoru would sneak around thought the compound with the map and try to find the Sajobo.
"I love this plan!" Kurama seemed excited about the fact that he got to order Tomoe around. "How pitiful you two. I'm your god and you didn't even help me get ready."
"We're not going to help you get dressed!" Both Tomoe and I yelled at him. It seems to be going to his head.

"Fine." Kurama sighed. He did look very god like though. Nanami disguised her self as a boy with a wig and male kimono and used one of Tomoes leaves to give her wings. This would allow her to walk around in the back ground unnoticed. Tomoe and I wore formal kimonos but I had a cloke with a hood so the tengus would feel a bit more comfortable around me. A bit.

"Okay. Is everyone aware of there role?"
"Yes." We all said in unison.
"Then let's get going." Nanami started to run towards the gate.
"First I want to try out my new powers." Kurama said.
"I dare you." Tomoe smirked at him.
"Very well then. Act like a cat, spin around three times and give me a hearty meow!"
Instantly, Tomoe spun around two three times and meowed. "I can't believe it actually worked!"
"Kurama!" I punched him in the elbow, hard. "Do that again and I kill you." I glared at him. Kurama just nodded in fear. "Good." I walked over to Tomoe and stroked his ears on his bowed head.

"Time to go." Nanami announced and jumped into the night fog carriage.
"Here we go." I muttered to myself as we jumped in after her.

We landed the carriage in front of the gate to the compound and Tomoe announced our presence. When they started to turn us away we burst the gates wide open.
Kurama stood at the front of the carriage while Tomoe stood in the front holding my katana that I summoned for this occasion. I stood behind Kurama holding the wine and sake cups.

"I am Shinjuro. Eldest son Sajobo the third. As the new land god of Mikage shrine, I have come to witness the forth Sajobos rite of succession. Take me to Juro." The tengu all looked at use with confused looks but did nothing.
"What is the matter common tengu? My lord and master has a short temper and should not be kept waiting." Tomoe said as he took the matter into his own hands.
"I have received a letter from Suiro. If a god has come calling then we have no choice but to welcome him. Make your way inside." Juro voice boomed from the hall in front of us. The tengu nodded and obeyed by letting us pass. We moved the carriage in and Kurama and I got out. While we were lead into the main hall, I slightly repositioned my hood so my face was less noticeable. I just stayed quite and hoped not to draw to much attention to myself.

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