Chapter 12- Back to Being a Familiar

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I will see him tomorrow and try to figure out a way to get him out. I have to.


The second a ray of light hit my room I was up. Quickly, I changed into a blue kendo kimono, brushed my hair and rushed down to the prison.
"Tomoe!" I pushed the doors open and ran down steps to the cells to see Tomoe sitting down, chained to the wall. "Tomoe."
"Kaiyō? What are you doing here?" He glanced over at me. "You should me tending to Nanami."
"Mizuki can take care of her. I needed to see you." Tomoe sighed at what I said.
"Because I care for you and want to get you out."
"No point. They will let me out when the assembly is over." Tomoe stood up and wandered over to me.
"Your right, I guess. I just can't bare the thought of you being in here tied up like a wild animal."
"I'll be fine." He reached thought he bars, lifted my chin and smiled at me. "But I'm afraid these bonds are necessary. I'm finding it hard to exercise self control at the moment. As a familiar I found it easy but now..."
"Tomoe!" Nanamis voice echoed though down the hall and Tomoe dropped my chin.

"Okuninushi told me you were being held in the east prison." Nanami arrived and run up to his cell. "Are you alright? They haven't done anything to you have they?"
"Why are you here in the middle of the assembly? Your waisting your time."
"I am not. I came to make you a familiar again do that would let you out." Nanami explained. "I kind of figured you didn't want to be stuck in here forever."
"I shall be the one to make decisions regarding my future. Allow me a bit of time to consider become your familiar again, please." What did he just say?
"I understand." She made her way to the exit. "The least I can do is talk to Okuninushi. Maybe I can convince him to let you out of here." There was a creak as the heavy wooden door closed behind her.

"You don't what to be a familiar anymore?"
"I didn't say that."
"I guess I understand why but still..." I sighed as I lent against the cell door.
"Just let me think about it. That's all I ask."
"I know. I better go then." I turned around and made my way to the the exit. "I'll visit tonight. Okay." I smiled at him before I left Tomoe. I don't no what to do. If Tomoe stays a wild fox I might never see him again. I'll be stuck being a familiar and Tomoe would be living his own life. What am I thinking. Tomoe wouldn't just leave me, but that was before he turned back into a wild fox.
I don't know what to think!

I dragged myself back to the main shrine and into my bed room, collapsing onto the futon. Nanami was making the matchmaking talismans with the rest of the gods in the main hall and us familiars sent allowed in there so I was free till she got back at least. It wasn't long before I started to drift into a light sleep. After running around the neither for two days I was quite tired. My thoughts got deeper and deeper till I was completely asleep.

I woke up to a tight warm grip around my waist. My eyes shot open in fright. Please don't be Lord Okuninushi. I squirmed, loosed their grip and turned around to face them. It was Tomoe. He was asleep.
"Tomoe?" I whispered. How did he not wake up to my wriggling? It was now that I sensed a connection. He was Nanamis familiar again! Smiling, I snuggled into his chest and felt back asleep. I felt secure again. It was nice.


"Lies. You are such a jerk!" Nanami complained as I entered her room. Tomoe had gotten up early to face his verdict and was released. That meant he had gotten to work early.
I helped prepare the tea with Tomoe as Nanami picked out the mushrooms in her rice.
"Nanami? Is it alright if I sleep in your room tonight?" Mizuki stood out side with his futon, pillow and sleets.
"Well back when I was surviving Lady Yonomori she let me sleep by her side." He pouted.
"Sure thing!" Nanami smiled.
"He may not."
"I wasn't asking you and there's plenty of room if you want to join."
"He's right. What's the big issue?"
"Familiars have there own sleeping quarters. Observe the rules."
"I know! What if all four of us sleeper in the same room. We could have a sleep over!"
"I said no and that is the end of it." Tomoe snapped.
"Calm down. Mizuki can sleep in Nanamis room if he wishes and Nanami has no objections. You don't have a say in the matter." I pointed out.
"Yay!" Mizuki cheered and Tomoe glared at me. Cheekily, I stuck out my tongue and giggled, running outside to the pond to feed the carp.

It wasn't long before Tomoe came outside and sat next to me. We both took some bread and though it into the water. The carp came up to the surface, their red and white scales lightly shimmered in the morning sun. We sat there for an hour or so talking and feeding the fish till Nanami came out side and announced that she was done with her work.

"So? What do you want to do?" I asked as he made it into the human world.
"We could do a little shopping. Might go see the grand shrine in this world and have lunch." Nanami smiled cheerfully and skipped ahead of us.

The first place we went was the grand shrine and it was busy as the gods and residents festival was on. We had a look at a few market stalls then went to lunch. Nanami ordered noddles but since Tomoe and I ate this morning we just ordered some tea.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Nanami shouting in surprise.
"Gross!" She was covered in soya sauce. Sighing, I stood up paid the bill and we left.

When we got back to the shrine Nanami tried to find something else to wear.
"I wish I washed my other one. How bad do you think it would be for me to show up in a t-shirt?"
"Hell if I know." Tomoe and I grumbled at the same time. Nanami started to unbutton her black top and I noticed Tomoe freeze.
"What do you think your doing!"
"Changing. There's a camasol underneath. I could wear this all by its self."
"What kind of female starts undressing in front of a man! Have a little modesty."
"Calm down already. It's not like she's naked." I stated, bored.
"Yeah. You've seen me I clothing like this before. You've been acting like a jerk all day!"
"And that is completely your doing. Just this morning you were talking about sharing a room with the snake. You lack discretion. He's already jump Kaiyō! What if he did the same to you?"
"She did invite us to join to."
"Exactly!" Nanami reinforced my point. Tomoe didn't say anything else.

"Are we done here?" I asked. No one answered. "Good, cause I need to go get my bedding. It's my understanding that we are all sleeping here tonight." I smiled and ran down the hall to my room. Tonight's going to be a long night.


"Why do you think foxes don't consider possible consequences. Oh and this isn't about you. It's about a friend I have who's also a fox." Mizuki asked Tomoe. Tomoe and Mizuki where sharing a futon as Tomoe wouldn't allow me to. His choice. "Excuse me. You can listen to me some gripe with out falling asleep."
"Shut up." I groaned as I turned away from the boys. Mizuki stopped talking and we all finally got to sleep.

One more day left of the assembly. The banquet. I'm just thankful Lord Okuninushi hasn't given me any trouble this year.

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