Chapter 20- Pain

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Pain. I don't remember why I'm in pain but I am and I know it's serious. My eyes shot open as I heard a door slide open. Thee figures loomed over me. I could just make out the figures but my vision was to blurry.
"She's awake!" A familiar female voice echoed in my head.
A figure knelt down next to me and waved his hands in front of my eyes.
"Not quite. She's not quite aware of what's going on. I wouldn't call it awake."
The man who knelt next to me started to unwrap some cloth from around my arms. I could just see his white hair.
"How's she doing?"
"Her body seems to be rejecting the peach pills. She should be healed by now." The male sighed. He seemed sad. Why do I feel like I want to comfort him? I don't even think I know them.
"So what do we do?" Another male asked.
"I guess we wait. She should heal naturally but she's to unstable to move at the moment."
"So we're stuck here till she heals." The brown haired male groaned.
"I wanted to stay till Juro healed anyway." The female stated.
"We should leave her to rest." The man wrapped my arm back up and they all left.

It was a weird feeling. I feel like I know them and care for them yet I can't remember who they are or why I'm here. Why do I feel so much pain?

I decided to leave these thought for now as I fell back into sleep.

-Tomoes POV-

It was the day after Kaiyō got herself attacked by the Thunderbolt beast. Nanami, me and the crow decided to check on her. We had to keep her in a secret room in the compound so the tengu didn't know she was there. When we entered her room I suddenly noticed that her eyes where open but seemed to show lack of awareness.

"She's awake!"
I knelt down next to Kaiyō and moved some hair out of her face.
"Not quite. She's not quite aware of what's going on. I wouldn't call it awake." My eyes drifted towards her bandages which cover her burns and I started to unwrap it. I felt my heart drop when I saw they hadn't changed a bit since we gave her the peach pills.
"How's she doing?"
"Her body seems to be rejecting the peach pills. She should be healed by now." I let out a sigh. Seeing Kaiyō I this state upset me and the fact that her memories might have been affected by the blast stressed me out.

"So what do we do? The crown asked.
"I guess we wait. She should heal naturally but she's to unstable to move at the moment."
"So we're stuck here till she heals."
"I wanted to stay till Juro healed anyway." Nanami said.
"We should leave her to rest." I stated before re-wrapping her arm and leaving.

"Do you think she will get better?" Nanami asked.
"She's strong. I'm sure she will." I reassured Nanami but to be honest, I think I said it to reassure myself. Kaiyō is a fish yokai and can't stand super hot temperatures. Lighting stands at about 53,540 degrees Fahrenheit which is actually hotter then the sun which is at about 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit. To a fire elemental yokai such as myself it's no big deal but to a water elemental yokai...they could die from those heat levels. Luckily, Kaiyō didn't die but the possibility of her fulling recovering from her wounds is very unlikely.

"Tomoe?" Nanamis voice cut though my thoughts. "Are you alright!"
"I'm fine."
"If your worried about Kaiyō, don't worry. Why all are." She smiled at me. For some reason, Nanamis smile reassured me. I keep on telling myself that Nanami has this affect on me because she is my lady and mistress but I think back to Izumo. I told myself that I returned to being a familiar for Kaiyō but now I'm not sure. She's just my mistress, nothing else. Right?

-Yatori's POV-

I chuckled to myself the fox, tengu and land god left the princess to rest. After I failed my mission and got myself kicked out by the land gods barrier I decided to bring back a little gift for Akura-Ou.

Last time I went to see the so called human to talk about my plans I read his mind and I could tell he had grown feelings for this fish. If I couldn't gain his trust by getting him an army I would fulfil my that gap by getting the woman he had feelings for. Even better, she was in a relationship with his brother and now, enemy.

As the group left the compound I wandered into the room the princess was laying and picked her up. She wriggled a bit in my arms but soon settled down again and I teleported into Master Akura-Ou's house.

-Kirihito's POV-

I sighed as I sniped the last rose bulb of its steam. The bulb fell into the basket underneath it with a light rustle as it landed upon the other dried out bulbs.

"Master Kirihito!" A familiar voice announced its welcome. "I have something for you."
"Yatori. What are you doing back?"
"Well. I'm afraid I failed my primary mission thanks to a certain white fox and his god, but I did manage to get his mate." Hearing this I snapped my head up to see Yatoi holding an unconscious Kaiyō Sukuna. Tomoes lover.
"Why did you bring her to me?"
"Well for give me but the last time we met I couldn't help but poke thought your mind and I found that you have quite and interest in her. I have always found human minds so much more entertaining then Yokai minds." If he read my mind does that mean he knows who I am?

I couldn't help but look at the bandages around Kaiyōs limbs.
"What happen to her?"
"She was attacked by the Thunderbolt beast. I managed to make sure she didn't heal while she was still in the tengu compound so it would be easier to steal her. She will heal now though."
"Place her on my futon and leave." I ordered the yokai. How stupid is he? If she's injured then she needs to be with someone who has experience with medicine. Not with me. Yatori laid her on my futon. 
"Haven't I proven myself to you? I can help."
"I will contact you if I need help, now, leave."
"Very well then. See you later." Yatori cheerfully said before disappearing.

I looked over at the sleeping woman. She looked so peaceful as she slept. I don't know what I'm going to do with her I sighed before walking outside. I guess I'll figure it out when she wakes up.


WOW! I was just messing around in wattpad when I realised that my first book has reached 2.44k reads and 186 votes! This means so much to me. Thanks for your support and as always...

Thanks for reading!

(1191 Words)

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