Capitolo Tre! Giappone

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Chapter 3! Japan


"Japanese "

"thinking "
They don't count on the recap! Recap is actually the opposite.



"My name? Uh my name is..... My name is..... I-I don't know what's my name" Answered Tsuna.

"No! I'll adopt you, you can live with me in Japan!"

"Tch. We have to go to HQ! We need Jūdaime back! He's our sky. We'd be lost without him. Jūdaime needs us! Doc you better keep quiet or else you'll have most of Italy wanting your head on a platter" The rest of the guardians nodded making the doctor blench and make an audible gulp.

And so they all head to Vongola HQ to find a way in locating Tsunayoshi di Vongola. Sadly they don't know that the boy now goes by Sawada Ietsuna.

Namimori, Japan~

Tsuna and Nana where in the living room, Nana was telling Tsuna where everything in the house is located when

"Kaa-san tadaima!" a voice shouted from the front door. "Ara? Schools already out? I thought classes wouldn't end until three?" questioned a confused Nana. Tsuna's just there next to her "Hai. There was a fire! Apparently a third year student messed up in chemistry. A fire started up and we got sent home early cool huh?" You could hear the voice getting further away and then footsteps going up the stairs "Ah Ie-kun come here please!" the footsteps stopped and they seam to be going down the steps. They're getting closer.

A boy stood at 4'8, he had brown hair and brown eyes. His hair was short mimicking his fathers. He has a lean body almost feminine. The boy is wearing a his school uniform which consist of a white dress shirt, a red tie, a navy blue vest over his tie and shirt and black dress pants. All in all the boy could be mistaken for Tsunayoshi's twin, if he had any blood related siblings that is.

"Ara okaa-san. Who is this" he asked motion to Tsuna. "Ie-kun this is your new Nii-san! He lost his memory and it won't come back until a year or so. I can't let him stay in an orphanage after I saved him Ie-kun!" seeing that he really couldn't argue with his mom's logic 'and I can finally get an Aniki!!'

"Ok okaa-san! I always wanted an Aniki! Hi I'm Sawada Ieyasu! I'm ten but I skipped a couple grades so I'm a first year at Namimori middle! Uh my favorite color is blue and I hope we can be great brothers'" he said with a smile.

Tsuna was surprised this boy, that freakishly looks like him, actually wants to be his brother. "Hi my new name is Sawada Ietsuna. I'm thirteen and I don't remember much. I speak Japanese and Italian so I guess I'm Italian. Uh....arg! Wait...o-orange.... My favorite color is orange! I hope I can be a great onii-san, Ya-kun" replied Tsuna with a big smile making the background go pinkish orange with sparkles. Is usually narrow eyes widen up a little.

"Tsu-kun you remembered something!" She was happy that her two sons were getting along so great. "Mama are we going to register me in school?"

"Hai lets go today so tomorrow you and Ie-kun can walk to school together!" With that the three put their shoes on and left to Nami-chuu.


"Nothing!! We can't find anything about Tsuna's whereabouts!" shouted Reborn. Reborn considers Tsuna his Nephew so finding out that his nephew went missing and was amnesiac really put him over the edge.

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