Capitolo Dieci! Arrivederci! Decimo!

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Chapter Ten! Bye! Decimo!




Disclaimer! I DO NOT OWN KHR!


Omg please listen to the song on the side.... i'm obsessed!!


I'm sorry it had to be this way, Theodoro. X-Burner!". Nothing was left of Theodoro. With the Don gone, the rest of Vongola attacked the rest of the Cornacchia Famiglia. No one died, they were just heavily injured, the whole Famiglia was sent to Vendicare.

"The next boss of the Cornacchia Famiglia, the Famiglia you just annihilated" The teen growled once more. The teen growling, sneering, seething and so much more that it shouldn't be possible and normal is Cornacchia Quatro.

He is the son of the late Don, Theodoro. He is Alejadro Cornacchia, the strongest of the Cornacchia Famiglia even before they all got arrested. This was something Emilio didn't know, thus couldn't inform Vongola about him.

Wide eyed Tsuna takes Natsu out and orders "Natsu help them! Mantello di Vongola Primo!" Alejandro shoots but Natsu covers them, but then he takes out another gun and points it at Tsuna, and without any hesitation he pulls the trigger and shots.

Time seems to slow down as Tsuna goes down.



Reborn was making his way to the 'battle grounds', finally getting done killing his portion of Cornacchia famiglia, when the sound of a gun shot went off and soon after voices all yelled out "DECIMO, TSUNA, TSUNAYOSHI-KUN, NII-SAN!!" if Reborn were anyone else he would've froze and then freak out, but he's not anyone else he's Reborn, so he ran towards where the sound came from. His expression darkening with every step he got closer and when he finally got there he saw Tsuna, his nephew, on the floor looking dead.

Rage filled the arcobaleno's face but then it soothed out, back to its calm professional look. Why? Simple really, because he can feel Tsuna's flames, which obviously means that Tsuna is still alive. Taking a deep breath, Reborn speaks out. "Are you quitting Tsuanyoshi?" Everyone that knows Reborn and I mean knows him, knows that reborn will only say Tsuna's whole name when he's either very serious or really angry, and right know he's both.

"Are you giving up already? You told me that you would protect your family from this. As well as your famiglia. If you could see their faces right now, you would clearly see the worry in them. So tell me Tsunayoshi, are you giving up or are you fighting with your Dying Will!?" Tsuna slowly opened his eyes.

"I will fight with my Dying Will!!" Just as slowly he got up. Flames once more taking its place on his forehead and hands. "I promised them, that i would protect them. That no harm would come to them, that i would not run away from this challenge. I don't want them to fear being in Italy. I want them happy, I want to spend my time with them. Enjoy life with them.... to the fullest!"

Alejandro started to laugh "That Famiglia?" he asked pointing towards the tired guardians. "The ones that cause disruption? Don't make me laugh!" "They may be loud and destructive but they are my famiglia and i will do everything in my power to protect them. I cherish out time together. I will protect my family with my Dying Will!" Tsuna's friends and Reborn all smiled.

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