Capitolo Quattro! Due anni!

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Chapter 4! Two Years

Note: I haven't spell checked this!






Disclaimer: I DONT OWN KHR!


"The weather is bad in Italy. The lightning will shrink, a storm will rage free, the rain will fall in sorrow, the cloud will drift, the sun will occasionally peak, mist will spread, a sorrow day, the sky will not show, not today nor tomorrow, but no matter what, the elements will stay together in the sky, a sky they will seek. The missing sky." During all this Ieyasu just stared and listened. Tsuna's eyes where amber orange then they went back to brown.

"What was that? Are you a weatherman?" Tsuna shakes his head " I don't know. It makes me sad though"

"Come cielo Io ti proteggerò (like the sky, I will protect you). Sarei niente senza di te tutto (I would be nothing without you all) " Afterwards he too falls asleep.


Next Chapter~

"Mhm this is interesting indeed" hums Talbot. "What is it? Why is Lambo like that?" asked Chrome. Talbot averted his eyes from Lambo to Chrome

"When Tsunayoshi first found young Lambo, the boy was in the verge of death. Tsunayoshi told me that the only way he was able to save young Lambo was to give him some of his sky flames that were then converted to Lambo's lighting. The problem being that now that Tsunayoshi has gone missing Lambo's body detected that when he got hit by the ten-year- bazooka."

Shamal stepped in, grudgingly though "All the stress of having no sky made him go back to the state he was when he was first found. Luckily he isn't dying but if you don't find Tsunayoshi then Lambo will stay this way and possibly avert back to his sick state. Tsunayoshi's flames in his body will make him return to his normal body. I can't do anything this time around." Talbot had a grim look on his face as he too nodded.

"We see" said Ryohei in a serious voice. The guardians eyes went back to Lambo, who was now sniffing "I-I miss Tsu-Tsuna-nii." Chrome was once again at his side hugging the now three year old Lambo.

"We have to find Decimo soon!" shouted Hayato.

"We have to keep on searching haha" added Takeshi.

"It's not the time to be laughing sword-idiot!"

"Maa, maa calm down Hayato."

"Calm down! How? Decimo is missing!"

"We can find Tsuna to the extreme!"

"Shut up Turf-top!"

"Kufufufu Hayato looks like a tomato"

"That's coming from a pineapple"

"What did you say 3-year old brat"


"Kufufufu if you weren't a child I'd make you have nightmares"

"Shut up or I'll bite you to death"

"Kufufu Skylark felt left out?" and thus the duo started to fight.

"Mukuro-sama" mumbled chrome while shaking her head.

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