Capitolo Nove! Cornacchia Famiglia!

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Chapter Nine! The Cornacchia Family!

(If you all wanted to know Cornacchia means crow, well the second meaning the first is Corvo. But Corvo sounded more like a car than a possible mafia family)

"Italian" or in italy"Japanese" or in Japan.





The whole group walked to the Sawada house hold. "Mama Tadaima. I brought some friends" Nana stuck her head from the kitchen doorway "Oh that's great, Tsu-kun, Ya-Kun!" from behind him he could hear, Takeshi, Ryohei, Mukuro, and Chrome snickering. "Hai. We'll be upstairs mama" Nodding Nana went back into the Kitchen. In Tsuna's room the group were seated in any open space they could find. "guys and Chrome, I-I don't want to take mama to Italy"

"Why aniki!?"

"Because we are going to eliminate a whole famiglia. What if people get wind of her? They could use her to get to me"


The occupants in the room remained silence thinking over what their boss/brother had just said. He made a valid poit though. They stayed like that fro about two more minutes, that is until Tsuna gets up and jumps to his left, away from his bed. A second later a bullet came rushing and piercing its self in Tsuna's bed. His guardians all jumped next to their boss, weapons in hand with their flames burning brightly.

"Stand down" ordered Tsuna. "But-"

"Stand down" He repeated. Reluctantly they do what was ordered. Tsuna heads towards his window and opens it "Come in, Reborn" Reborn appears from the tree next to Tsuna's window and jumps in "Choas" said Reborn. Sighing Tsuna replies "You owe me a new window, uncle"

"Mah, maybe later" replied Reborn "Ne, Oji-san should i take mama with us?" he sat back on his bed, next to Yasu again. "Yes if you leave her here she would be in more danger."

"Hm. I guess you're right... come on we're going down stairs" his friends, Reborn, and Yasu all followed. Once down stairs he heads to the kitchen. "Mama" he calls out" Hm, Tsu-kun?" The people behind him snickered again. "Mama we're going to Italy and I want you and Yasu to come" Nana stops what she was doing, washing dishes, and looks at tsunami with wide smile. "Really?"

"Yup!" She squeals and goes to hug him. "Go get ready mama. We're leaving tonight in the Vongola private plane" nodding Nana goes up stairs and starts packing all the while she hums in delight.


'How the hell did it cone to this?' Thought the cornnachia boss. This was supposed to be a regular day for him. Go to towns, threaten families, take some of their children, come home etc etc. But then while in his office, he hears a 'boom' near him. Quickly he runs down to the first floor to check what's going on. That's when he sees his men running around, guns in hand.

'What the hell!' turning to his left he finds a gigantic hole on his wall! Leaning a little bit to the right, so he could see through the hole. Standing outside was Vongola Decimo and his guardians. The teens outside may look older but he could recognized the Decimo's famiglia a mile away.

'Decimo. Decimo looks stronger, but how? He was supposed to be dead! I killed him, why is he alive!'

All of the sudden the shooting and shouting stopped. Not nowing what was going on the boss turns around to see one of his men walking towards Decimo. "Emilio what are you doing!" Emilio stops and turns back to look at his 'boss'.

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