Capitolo Otto! Ritorno?

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Chapter Eight! Return?

 Not revised

Omg guys and gals i love the song on the side!





"What happened to the Cornacchia Famiglia?" they all stiffen

"They've been trying to take us down, they tried to kill Nono about five times already, they have are slowly getting power" said a serious three year old lambo, which really looked weird!

Tsuna stared at the three year old cow child and asked "Why is Lambo a three year old and why does he look so pale and fragile?" Lambo had teary eyes "After you disappeared Lambo used the 10-year bazooka, thanks to Reborn, and turned into a three year old.

Talbot and Shamal told us that Lambo's body reacted to you being missing since you healed Lambo with your flames. A year later Lambo got his sickness back and the only way for him to turn back is for you to heal him with your flames or else we might Lose Lambo" Informed a seldom Takeshi, Lambo already had tears falling down his face.

All of a sudden his box animal and ring come flying toward him, the weird thing is that he left them at home in a small box all the way in the back of his closet, he puts on the ring and soon Hayato hands him his mittens that soon turn into gloves.

Lighting a small flame on his index finger, just like the first time, Tsuna pokes Lambo's forehead and soon lambo falls asleep. Tsuna quickly picks up the boy and sets him on the couch, that his guardians weren't using, and sets the boy down.

A minute later Lambo is covered by pink smoke and in the place of the sleeping toddler is now a sleeping fourteen year old.

"He'll wake up in ten minutes" Tsuna tells his friends as he can see that they are worried of the boy's health even if they won't admit  it.


Just like Tsuna predicted Lambo woke up ten minutes later and the first thing he did was tackle his nii-san and cry for another ten minutes. The rest just stood there watching but soon Chrome joined Lambo. After all they are his younger siblings, talking about siblings Yasu stood in the corner staring at the family with a fake smile. He doesn't want to be mean but he hates how his aniki is giving all of his attention to Lambo and Chrome. You could say he's jealous of the two.

He stares at all of them, he feels so left out. These people know his brother best. They know Tsunayoshi di Vongola,the real Tsuna, while he has only known Sawada Ietsuna, the boy that had amnesia and pretty much knew nothing about him. He has known the fake Tsuna and that's what's bothering him the most. He doesn't know his aniki and these people know him best.

Tsuna must've noticed this because he got off from the floor and walks to his spot on the corner. Yasu was deep in his thoughts that he didn't sense Tsuna in front of him until tsuna put his(Tsuna) hand on his shoulder(Yasu) and brought him into a hug.

Yasu blinked once, twice, and thrice and then he realized that his aniki was hugging him. When was the last time he has gotten a hug from his aniki, it's probably been a year? Before he knew it tears started to roll down his face. 'Oh i'm crying. I'm actually crying, these are real tears from real emotions, not like the others. These are real.' Tsuna started to pet his hair and tried to calm him down 'Oh Yasu what is happening in that head of yours'.

"Aniki" sniffed Yasu and he put his head on Tsuna's chest hiding his face from his brothers friends. "Ya-kun" Yasu hugs his brother. 'Ya-kun, he stop calling me that.' but Tsuna only calls him that when he is worried of his otouto. "What's wrong? You seem different" Yasu looks up at Tsuna "Different. I'm not the one that is different aniki. You, who are you really? I don't know you anymore. No, i don't know Tsunayoshi di Vongola i only know Sawada Ietsuna." and at that Tsuna finally realized what was bothering his otouto. 'He's right. He doesn't know the real me, all this is a lot to take in. He's may be smart but he is still only thirteen'.

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