Capitolo Cinque! Tempesta, Pioggia, Fulmine!!

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Chapter five! Storm, Rain, Lightning!!

Hi'ya here's the next chapter!

"Italian talk"

"Japanese talk"


(Authors note)


Shamal stepped in, grudgingly though "All the stress of having no sky made him go back to the state he was when he was first found. Luckily he isn't dying but if you don't find Tsunayoshi then Lambo will stay this way and possibly avert back to his sick state. Tsunayoshi's flames in his body will make him return to his normal body. I can't do anything this time around." Talbot had a grim look on his face as he too nodded.

They were all anxious to finally see their sky.'Just wait Decimo/ Tsuna/ Tsuna-nii/ Tsunayoshi/ Omnivore/ you'll finally have your elements again'they all thought anxiously awaiting the day they see Tsuna their missing Sky.


Next chapter~

Tsuna was having strange dreams tonight. When he fell asleep he dreamt about three boys with silver hair and emerald green eyes, spiky black hair and hazel eyes, black afros and green eyes.

~Tsuna's POV Dreams~

I'm standing on the sideline as I see my six year old self, at least that's what this feeling at the back of my head is telling me, walk down a somewhat busy street in Italy, according to the language the people are speaking in. Besides 'me' is a man wearing a black suits, my guess he might be a body guard. My younger self pasted an alley where a boy with silver hair and emerald green eyes pops out of no where, he seems to be out of breath and panicking. He also seems scared.

Right behind him are two grown men in rags, they seem to be chasing the panicked silver hair boy.

"Get back here!" shouted one of the two men. The boy made a left and ended up bumping into my younger self. Just as he was about to get up and continue on running the second guy grabs his left arm.

"Got'cha brat" the boy struggles. Why aren't I doing something!

"Excuse me sir? But did he do something wrong?" asked my younger self....finally! Both men turn to look at mini me and immediately pale "A-Ah Decimo. N-Nothing is w-wrong!"

"Then let the boy go" mini me ordered. They nod and release the silverette afterwards they leave. Mini me turns to look at the silverette "Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" the boy shakes his head "Do you have family?" another head shake. Mini me's eye soften "I see... What's your name?"

The boy finally speaks up "Hayato Gokudera. Thanks for saving me!" lil' me smiles "Ah so it is true" the boy seemed confused "See I told you Alexander. I knew I would meet my storm today. I can feel it."

"What are you talking about?!" shouted the boy, in all honesty I want to know as well.

"I dreamt that I would meet my storm today. I can feel storm flames in you, they're faint but I can feel them. Hayato Gokudera would you like to be my storm guardian? "

"Who are you?" asked the boy. Lil' me opens his mouth to speak but I can't hear anything but apparently the boy can.

"Of course! I'll even be your right-hand man!" mini me smiles "I can feel your flame even more now. Your resolve must be strong. Come on Hayato lets head to your new home!" the dream becomes fuzzy and everything went white.

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