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Chapter Six! The Tenth Awakens!

Hi'ya here's the next chapter!

"Italian" Talk

"Japanese" Talk



(Authors Notes!)




Tsuna was having strange dreams tonight. When he fell asleep he dreamt about three boys with silver hair and emerald green eyes, spiky black hair and hazel eyes, black afros and green eyes.

"Even though I'm getting my memories back there is one thing I am sure of... I won't leave you or Mama. You two are precious. Where ever I go I'll take the both of you!" he beamed at his little brother "Really?"

Right in front of him is the same boy he dreamt about.

The boy with green eyes, curly black hair and a hash tag under his eye. The same boy he saved when he was little. 'But why is he still three and pale as snow?' He was too shocked. The boy looking straight at him with his eyes widen as well. They both said something. A major something.

"Bovino Lambo"



Next Chapter!

"Gah! Where did that ahoshi go?" shouted Hayato.

Right after the guardians and Reborn landed in Japan a limousine was waiting for them to take them to Namimori. Well the ride wasn't so pleasant to poor Reborn. Anyway, as soon as the limo stopped in front of a mansion the three year old Lambo jumped off and started to walk in the direction of Nami-chuu, even though he didn't know at the time, his 'guts' was telling him to head in that direction. He did as his 'guts' told and lost the guardians who were barely getting out the limo.

"Maa, Maa, calm down Hayato. He's probably exploring!" said Takeshi with a nervous smile.

"Che. Whatever. He'll find his way home when he gets hungry or something"

"Hahaha of course!"



Ever since Tsuna-nii went missing I have always felt uneasy. There's always this feeling in my gut.

When we set foot on Namimori ground my body went on autopilot. I was walking. To a place I didn't know of.

I can still hear Bakadera yelling.

I stop walking to find myself in front of a school.....Namimori middle school.

I walk toward the school gate and accidentally bump into two people.

"Move brat" spatted a guy with shoulder length grey hair. He's not skinny but he isn't fat.... Uh fit that's what he is. He's tan.

The other guy had black hair and eyes. He has really pale skin and seems to be emotionless.

"Calm down Joe" the pale one said.

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