Author's Note and Introduction

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This is my entry for National Novel Writing Month 2017. I am very nervous about this novel, not only because It's quite precious to me, but also because it is a much bigger project than anything I have ever worked on before. 

As per usual with all of my novels, there is a playlist where each song will be linked into a chapter. There is also promotional art that I have done for this that will be linked as well. 

Please be kind when reading this, it is a first draft and as it is written during a competition where I have to make a minimum writing word count of 1,700 a day, I only have so much time to edit. I would love help with grammar, spelling, etc. that you see when reading this. Either in the comments, or via private message would be helpful. I will go back and edit this once the competition is over, but other eyes are always better than just one set. 

Thank you so much for clicking on this novel, and I really do hope you enjoy this. I wrote this story because I couldn't find one like this on the shelf at book stores and I wanted to read something like this. And I hope I do it justice. Not just because it really is a great story, but for the characters who have become incredibly dear to me. 

Please vote, share, and comment <3

Much love to you all!


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Instagram: @cityoftk

Snapchat: cityoftris



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