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Viola collapsed in the middle of Warrant Street, clutching her chest and choking on dry tears. She closed her eyes against the stench of Scarlet's fear, and heartbreak. Viola hadn't wanted to do that to her, but she had to make sure that she would be too stunned to follow her. And if that meant breaking her heart and her confidence, she would do it. Because she knew Scarlet and that girl would follow her to the end of the earth if she thought there was any hope.

But there wasn't.
Stoker had made sure of that.

Grandpapa's blood had been so strong, and even though he had been dead for over a day, the dried blood still had the hum of energy. Stoker had fed on him, that much was for sure. Just how much, she didn't want to know. Viola growled softly, she wanted to kill him. Wanted to rip him limb from limb for what he had done to her grandfather. But she couldn't get close enough to him in order to does that. Shaking her head, Viola struggled to her feet and then continued on forward. The streets were barren, at least in this part of the city, so she could sneak along the shadows without getting caught.

She was going to try and get out of the state, maybe even out of the country though there were too many hurtles that she would have to cross in order to do that. Viola hoped that she could find something within the states where she could hide. Maybe even change her name, change her appearance though how she would do that without any help was still something she didn't know. She needed to hide from Stoker, the PAU, and Scarlet. All she did was cause problems and bring death; she couldn't be around anyone she cared about. And she couldn't let herself fall into the hands of someone that could exploit her. Viola had a sliver of hope that maybe she could just run away.

But as she rounded the corner of an alley, she smacked right into a marble chest that sent her careening onto her back. Quickly, she rolled, flipping on to her feet and adopting a crouch with her hands in front of her. Before she used to ball her fists and keep them in front of her face. Now with her newfound claw-like nails, she didn't (and couldn't unless she wanted to stab herself) need to have her hands into fists. Instead she held them up, nails pointed outwards towards the enemy. She inhaled sharply, the strong scent of blood and musk hitting her nose. Along with mint, licorice, and cinnamon.


Viola growled low, "Stay away from me."

"Did you like my present?" he asked, his voice as soothing as a trickling stream.

"I didn't actually," Viola didn't lower her defense though she could feel his power working on her. She didn't want to kill him anymore.

"Why not?" his voice was thick with amusement, and now knowing who he was she could actually hear a hint of his Romanian accent along with something else. It was unattractive, and she wished that she never would hear it again.

"Just leave me alone," she lowered her hands and stepped back.

He stepped forward audibly, "Why would I do that?"

"Because I am of no use to you," Viola took another step back. She just wanted him to stay away, to leave her alone.

"How are you of no use to me? You are my companion, my friend, and my daughter. We will be able to accomplish so much together. More than either of us could do alone. I can teach you so many things, Viola, more than anyone else. I know what they have told you. That I am not the only lord vampire, and I am not the oldest creature out there. But I am the one that can teach you the best because I know you. I have been teaching you for over a year. And we share blood, I can help you more than anyone else." His voice was like music, his words creating a melody that she just felt herself melting to.

She shook herself violently. Viola was not going to let herself for his trap. She bared her fangs and growled, "You think that you are the best to help me? Because we share blood? Because you were my teacher while stalking me? You are insane; you've harmed me more than anyone I have ever known. You are psychotic. You are positively sociopathic. I hope you die an incredibly painful death and then you proceed to burn in hell."

There was silence. Viola closed her eyes as she felt a cold dread wash over her. She had resisted his control, and she wasn't near fast or strong enough to get away from him. It didn't stop Viola from trying though. She turned, trying to launch into a sprint. But there was already a hand around her throat. She choked, her hands automatically going up to try and tear at the flesh. But Stoker simply threw her in to the air, slamming her against the wall. Viola snapped her teeth and roared, kicking and scratching, flailing around. Somehow he managed to dodge each and every blow despite the fact that they were precise. She snarled in frustration. He chuckled low. "You think that you can get away with that kind of behavior?"

Viola was shaking violently now, fear crawling over her like a thousand spiders. "Just please, let me go."

"Never," his hand squeezed her throat, pulling her forward before slamming her back into the wall. Viola felt agony ripple down her spine, an obnoxious crack following the action. She heaved a dry sob; she knew that pain was coming. Incredible pain that she would not die from. Only endure. She wished that she were still with Scarlet; she wished that she could hug her. And Viola also wished that she could have Scarlet's humor in this moment. Maybe it would ease the agony of what was coming next.  

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