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"Hmm," she responded, turning slowly towards the sound of the voice. It belonged to Bruce. Her boyfriend and homecoming date for tonight. She ran her hands nervously down the fabric of her skirt. "Do I look okay?"

He kissed her on the cheek, gentle and loving. "You are so beautiful."

"I wish Scar was here," Viola couldn't help but admit. She understood why her sister wasn't here. She couldn't imagine the pain of discovering Bruce not only didn't love her anymore, but was in love with her best friend. That would be near earth shattering, and so she couldn't blame Scarlet for not being there. But Viola had hoped for Scarlet to be here, to share the memory of her senior homecoming. Help her do her hair and makeup. Things that Bruce could help only slightly with, not in the same way as an aspiring makeup artist could.

They had talked briefly that morning and Scarlet had sounded distracted. And guilty. Despite the fact that Viola didn't want her to feel guilty for taking a trip for herself, she couldn't bring herself to actually tell Scarlet that. Regret hung heavy in her heart.

"I know, but you can talk to her tomorrow and tell her how awesome I was at helping you and being your perfect boyfriend," she could hear him pat his chest. "As per usual?"

Viola's eyebrows shot up to her hairline. "As per usual?"

"Are you saying I'm not usually perfect?"

"Tolerable," she said, her face blank of expression.

There was a moment before she allowed the amusement to curl her lips into a broad smile. Bruce grabbed her roughly and began kissing all over her face, causing her to erupt into giggles.

Justin Bieber's voice crooned out of the speakers that Viola walked past. Homecoming so far had been fun, but she was getting slightly irritated at her classmates who were either on their phones or drunk. Or having sex in one of the classrooms. Like a teacher or parent wouldn't hear the over the top moaning. The music also wasn't that great, and it was giving Viola a headache. Despite the cons, she was happy to be here. She wouldn't get this opportunity again and she was taking it in full stride.

Bruce's hand was on her lower back, a finger pressing into her skin whenever he wanted her to shift her direction slightly. Eventually they got outside, and the cooling Arizona night air kissed her face. Viola smiled and leaned against the wall. Bruce drank the rest of his soda before lighting a cigarette. It wasn't something she particularly liked, but it was an annoying habit that wasn't terrible. Well...it was, but he enjoyed it so whatever.

"Hey babe?" She said quietly.


"I love you."

"Awe," he slobbered a kiss on her cheek and down her neck, causing her to giggle and half-heartedly push at him. "I love you too."

"What're we going to do after this?" she said quietly after a moment. "After high school?"

"We've talked about this," Bruce pointed out.

"I know. I just, I don't know. Like the past four years have been the same routine everyday. And now everything is changing and I don't really like it." Viola scuffed the toe of her shoe against the concrete. "I'm afraid."

Bruce's arms came around her, his warmth spilling through the fabric of her dress to touch her skin. She leaned into him, breathing him in. Soap, smoke, and mint. "Don't be. I'm here."

"We're high school sweethearts, can you really tell me that you'll still love me once we're not seeing one another every day, twelve to twenty hours a day?" Viola muttered into his shirt.

"Yes," he kissed her hair. "Because I love you. I don't know exactly what the future holds for us, but I love you. And I want to be with you for a very, very long time."

"Children," there was a sigh.

Bruce placed himself protectively in front of her, but she didn't know who the voice belonged to. Though it sounded familiar. Before she could even begin to guess who it was Bruce said, "Mr. Stoker?"

Their biology teacher.

"What are you two doing out here? The party is inside," Mr. Stoker said.

Viola felt uneasy. There was something different about him. There had always been something different, but now it was more glaring. She couldn't place a finger on what it was, but it was most definitely something to be wary of. She wanted to go home suddenly, or anywhere that was far from here. Bruce placed his hand on her waist, "She wanted to get some fresh air."

"Kind of hard to get fresh air when you are smoking a cigarette," Mr. Stoker pointed out, amusement coloring his voice.

If she didn't feel so uneasy, she would've smiled at the humor. Bruce chuckled and Viola could hear the cigarette hit the floor, and his foot snuffed it out. "We just a need a bit, after all what's a senior homecoming supposed to be like if we don't run off in secret?"

"That may be true, but as a teacher and an adult that is concerned with your safety I would like you inside," Mr. Stoker said.

"O-okay, no worries Mr. Stoker," Bruce's hand clasped mine but as he began to move but there was a dawning pit inside of Viola's stomach. And she realized that they weren't going to go back inside.

She tried to grab at him but it was too late. She couldn't hear him move, only the whisper of air and suddenly Bruce was torn away from her. Viola opened her mouth to shout at him, but there was a hand over her mouth in the next breath. She was thrown up against the wall, a cool hand over her mouth and clutching her throat. Breath tickled her ear. "Don't worry, this won't hurt. Much."

Viola screamed soundlessly as fire tore her entire body apart.

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