The Almost End

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The ice slowly melted upon my palms and I heard my sisters talking, this was a family affair. So I turned around and I put a ring of fire around me. The ice melted ad they stood back, I stepped through the arch and Freya's wall rebuilt itself. I turned to my sisters my once sweet sisters. 

"Have you lost your mind?" Ravenna spoke her deep voice rumbled through the walls. I looked to Freya ice was intertwining through her fingers and they tinkled together. I lit a flame within my hand and her attention turned toward me, 

"How did you make me strong. Freya's voice hollowed echoed through her cold castle and she stopped the movement of her fingers and turned toward our golden hued sister. 

"How did you draw the weakness out? What did you do?"

Ravenna turned from Freya the movements gurgling and moving with her as if the sludge that was contained at her feet, she and it moved as if it was alive. 

"What did yu do?" She demanded not letting our sister push her away once more. Thuds sounded from across the ice, they were climbing. Which meant this had to speed along.

"Tell her Ravenna, tell the prophecy that was told to yu!" Ravenna sneered at me and stood there not moving from her spot. 

"I don't have to tell you anything." 

"Yes, you do that was her child's life, not yours!" Freya began to piece things together but still did not fully understand but instead whispered.

"Oh, oh but you do. You said it yourself your something between this world and the mirror. I summoned yu out and now you are bound to me!" Freya put her hands on the side of Ravenna's face and where her hand's touch glowed the same gold that our sister had always engulfed herself in. Her most prized possession would now be her entrapment.

"Tell me the truth. Mirror mirror on the wall." They gasped for a breath as Freya's eyes turned an unnatural blue and she went into the mind of the mirror. Soon pain and anger fill the cold hearted sisters face and she groaned pulling away from the cruel mirror's vision. 

Ravenna breathed but her voice sounded metallic, and her face that was once almost all gold was turning back to the unkind one that I knew. Freya sobbed and I walked up the stairs and held her, her body wracked with sobs she finally knew what happened.

"I am so sorry." I murmured into her ear. Freya looked at me with something resembling love, and I smiled a watery smile at her. She pushed me back and confronted Ravenna.

"You know I loved her." She sighed and spoke words that I thought I would never hear her say.

"I loved you Ravenna." But our sister was unfazed and she looked down her right arm and I saw the sludge curling around it as if it were a snake grabbing onto my sister. IT crackled and broke. 

"That is why I am stronger than the both of you!"

She thrust her weapon from her hands and it grew and elongated and it sharpened. Stabbing Freya's shoulder and she tried to move. I lit my hand aflame and I sent heat, her way. But the heat did not faze her as another weapon broke through it. As Freya fell her wall of ice did too. 

The huntsmen cried out as they fell, the cracking ice breaking down and falling along with it's wielder. The long point that Ravenna set out retracted back into her like an arrow being shot but instead of just impaling itself into the poor victim, it ripped itself out and cowered back to the owner, blood along its black sleek rod. She turned towards the huntsman and shot out more. They were impaled into two Huntsmen, one of them saving Eric. 

"STOP! No more Ravenna. I am sick of your games." 

"Leave my children alone." Freya retaliated Ravenna with ice, but the small turrets of ice the were in front of Ravenna slowly began to turn black. I stood in front of my two families torn on wich I should save my blood relative or the ones that I grew up with? The sludge grew into the ice and the shards exploded back onto the Huntsmen. 

"Ravenna no!" I closed my eyes and thought of all the heat I could muster, I threw it to my sister and bright blue flames escaped from me. I surrounded her in fire and I closed in on her, I smelt burnt feathers but Ravenna laughed and the sludge was aimed for me.

One minute your up and fighting your insane sister along with the sister that hated you for years and the family that also hated you but loved you, and the next you are on the floor with pain flaming through you, it was hotter than any flame I have ever built. But I could at fall I would not let her win not this time. 

Eric ran to her a sword and ax in hand, he got in a few swipes but as soon as his elbow dug itself into her neck, her neck twisted at an inhuman rate, and gold erupted through it, she had rage in her eyes and he had confusion in his. 

I ran to her and she threw me my back hitting the cold tile and I felt my ribs crack, I sat up not bothering with pain, adrenaline coursing through me, heating my blood and dulling my pain. I turned around and Freya was hugging Ravenna tears in her eyes. She held her as she used to hold her own child. 

Ravenna stood there her hands not touching Freya and Ravens practically dipped in molten gold flew about her, and up into the ceiling, their wings cracking from the cold and the weight of the gold. Ravenna's dress turning from the rich gold to a deadly black. Freya closed her eyes, and ice began to form through Ravenna's skin and through Freya's hands. 

Ravenna reached up to my sister as if she were going to hug her and suddenly the deadly sludge ran through the other side of Freya impaling her. 


The impaling weapon removed itself and hid inside of Ravenna, Freya took shaky breaths and fell. Blood coating her silver dress, there wasn't as much as I thought there would but there was enough to see that my sister was dying. I looked into the soulless eyes of Ravenna and her mouth had a black fluid coating the inside of her lips. 

She muttered seven words, but they held no meaning, no emotion. 

"I'm sorry, I killed your daughter," She breathed deeply,

"And released the greatest power within you. A power you have wasted on nothing but cheap sentiment!" The sludge dripping down her lips her once bright blue eyes filled with empty malice. I held Freya as her breaths became shallow. 

"You aren't sorry, because you got more power, and that is the truth." 

"No the truth is I had all the power I wanted and it was within you. You Ember," I flinched at the mention of my name, it once held warmth as it should have been, but in her garbled tone, my name was as cold as the dying sister in my arms. 

"Did you not think I wanted a child? Did you not think I wanted love!"

Freya gasped and I looked at the stranger in front of me with tears in her eyes. 

"But these things were not meant for me."

"They could have been Ravenna! Freya had a child and I had a child, we had them with those we love! But you, you could not open your dark heart to love anyone, not even Fin who followed you like a lost puppy." I spat my words and they seemed foreign to my mouth as I finally said what I wished. 

"No, Ember I have a higher calling!" She stepped back and I shook my head not knowing if I would ever see James alive again, Ravenna has killed our brother, is letting another die in front of her eyes, and watching as the last one suffered. What to do, what to do. 

A/N: PLEASE tell me what you think I am so sorry about the wait! Please accept my apology in 1397 something words

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