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Now that my golden wings

Are turning to dust

And my skin — the solace of my soul

Is losing its moist

And my former shelter that I abandoned is starting to rust

Tell me, where do I crawl back into?

What could replace your magical input?

What could save my soul

As love that troubles is only what your heart can give

And I desire peace in order to live

But it was you who broke the chains

Gave me a taste of the absence of pain

Hurled me into emotional frivolity

Then left me falling, suddenly

How could you do that to me?

Weren't you suppose to supervise so I don't fall back into the pit?

Now, I'm in the belly of a bottomless pit

And my wings have dissipated like banished spit

From the tongue of Injustice

The darkness pierce through my organ of sight, tell me how can I see?

It's exactly from the frypan to the fire

In a much hotter hell, though, expected I might end up there

But I feel something

Your agony

Why are you pained

If you wanted it this way

Why leave me crying for you

Almost happy dying...

When you're smiles...

Are only lying

Or aren't they?


Why, are you whispering,

"I'm sorry."

Instead of saving me already

Why are you locking the pit?

What do you want me to make out of this?

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