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I sit quietly, trying to ignore my obsession

But I keep failing, every session

I lower my eyes

But the urge to stare, quickens and arise

Slowly, shyness emerges, It gets harder to breathe

As you look at me, and touch me with something that I feel

I want to say, "Hi!"

But I'm a coward, I'll never try

I still don't know why

With you, it's never right

As my body, spirit, soul and what's left

Somehow, squeezes you through the cleft

Of mind, my impenetrable fortress —

my heart, which into, others couldn't find success

It's like time gets detention

Whenever you do that thing that catches my attention

The way your lips move, as if they're trying to call my name

But I hear you call another girl... what a shame....

Still, it doesn't bother me too much

I remain seated, what's the rush?

My patience paid off once, when you sat beside me

Your skin touched mine, I couldn't believe it was real

You turned, mouthing, "Hello"

While I heard the melody of an angel's cello

I just froze completely, by impulse — fear — I turned to the other side

Restless, I remained, as something kept poking me from the inside

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