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She wasn't blind
She could clearly see but, she didn't mind
If it was a trick or a door inhabiting doom
Because it was obvious, she was the bride and despair was the groom

She read the inscriptions
She was fully knowledgeable about her actions
But why would she choose less
When the other one was definitely the best

She must have been stupid
This couldn't be an act of Cupid
Wanting death when life was near
And your troubles the other desperately wishes to bear

I still don't understand women
How they think or reason
Prefer bad boys and unscrupulous men
When their heaven and earth is right in front of them

She could feel his choke on her
But she'll smile and pretend
Like she's ignorant of what's to come
As if she hadn't predicted the end

Her hands will eventually be cut off
When they no longer possess the ability
To appease him in sobriety
And tend to his wounds diligently

He'll cast her off like the rest
Out of his uninhabitable nest
As he did those who failed to arrest
His demonic side which he also detest

But she's stubborn
She knows enough
But will go on
Till it's over and no more

She won't accept reality
She's in for it, this one
R.I.P in advance
I see you fall into an eternal trance

What more can I say
Soon, death will take her away
Death she welcomed herself
Since she was so obsessed

Murder? No, not really murder
More of suicide by another
Who refused to embrace the other
That brought life constantly to her border

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