[Chapter 3: Human]

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Chapter 3: Human

"Pod, Analysis." Another pair of high heels.

"Analysis Complete: Black box not detected. Organic composition detected. Hypothesis: Possible human discovered." Another pod.

In front of me, I see a duo that looks very familiar, yet not quite the same. Similar looking to A2, although A2 being slightly taller and having longer hair, a woman stands at my feet, looking down at me. Same body shape, hair color, eye color, and even the beauty mark below the lips. This one also wears a blindfold while wearing a gothic skirt, with a hole in the chest to show some cleavage. Frills coupled with stitched designs, lace the bottom of the fabric. Her well-endowed legs are wrapped in thigh highs and are supported with high heels. A sight to behold if I do say so myself. Compared to A2, she looks a lot healthier. Well she could be an android so... well maintained is a more accurate term.

"2B, is there something- huh?" A small framed figure approaches from behind the woman. It looks kinda like a child. Although having a deep voice, the child looking humanoid, which is probably an android as well, has very effeminate qualities. Slim in build with a round clear face, he dawns a black blindfold that goes a little bit past the bridge of his nose. Along his chest, he sports a kind of sash buckle belt, which probably holds the rucksack on his back. His suit jacket, complete with lining and gold buttons running down the sides, are complemented with gloves, and stitching like the woman's skirt. His skinny legs protrude out of small shorts and are contained in high socks inside boots that have even more buckles. Their fashion is pretty weird to say the least.

"A human? ...Why isn't this one on the moon?" 2B questions. I at least think that's what the boy called her. 2B... well this gets rid of all suspicions. A2 and 2B huh, maybe I'll name my child a letter and a number someday heh.

"A real human, wow! I never thought I would actually have the chance to see one like this... 2B let's take him back to the bunker, we can run test and diagnostics an-" The boy bubbles with excitement.

"9S, we are tasked with the protection of humanity first. We must report this to command and get this human to safety."

"Yeah yeah... hphmm." So, the smaller one is 9S. What was all that talk about experimenting? I hope it's not another bathroom situation... If anything, I should just try and get out of here, A2 might get back any minute.

"2B and 9S is it?" I address the two, "Well uhh thanks for saving me, but I should really get going." I turn over and start crawling towards my crutch.

"We can't have you leaving like this, you're injured." 2B asserts.

"No, no, no, I assure you, I don't want to ask for any more favors." My pace increases.

"9S contact command."

"Alrighty!" 9S beams with happiness.

"Wah!" I squeal as 2B grabs my leg and slings me over her shoulder, "H- Hey, you don't have to carry me, I can walk myself!" 2B ignores my pleas and I lie slumped on her shoulder, staring at the ground.

9S' pod projects a screen, along with noisy static, "9S to Operator 21O."

A face appears on the screen, "Yes, what is it 9S?"

"Operator, I'm happy to see you, we've actually disco-"

"Closing channel."
"Hey wait!"

"9S, information pertaining to overly sized boars is not mission critical data."

"But they're so interesting... I- I mean jeez, don't be so cruel, it's not about boars this time."

"Closing channel."

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