[Chapter 1: Savior]

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This feeling. Déjà vu?

Once more my eyes open. Guess I'm not ready to meet my maker quite yet.

Fluorescent lights seep in between my eyelids causing me to flinch away from the brightness. After my eyes adjust, I find myself staring at a white ceiling, accompanied with a tattered fan twirling about; low in speed. My back rests on a soft cushion, not akin to the rigidness of my apartment floor. Surrounding me, cabinets are filled with what seem to be medical supplies.

Already an improvement compared to the last debacle.

My body aches all over but doesn't seem to yearn for sustenance. I make an effort to get up but I find that my movement is limited. I remove a sheet covering me and crane my neck to look at my lower body. Discovering two casts, one assists my right leg and another carries my left arm. My entire torso is also laced with large amounts of bandage. The handiwork of whoever saved me is definitely not something to be underappreciated.  The sight of my treated injuries envelops me with comfort and nostalgia. It kinda reminds me of something...  Something nice...

In any case, I seem to be out of harms way. Relieved, my head plops back down into the cushion. Questions begin to rattle off in my head, I ignore them and try to relax. Despite my efforts, they continue to gnaw at me. What was that thing? Some kind of...walking machine... and why did it just attack me all of a sudden? It all just seemed like a nightmare. But the evidence concludes itself on my body. I could've lost my life then and there. I'm alive though. And that's a good thing. Right? I at least get to see another day. Breath another breath. 

I grow heavy and feel my body sink further into the cushion. Looks like I've managed to somewhat calm myself. Have to keep looking at the brighter side of things, I think it's making me feel better, mentally at least. Alright, after I heal, I have t-

T....... t- to. Uhhhh. Got to......

Huh? M-my cheeks feel a little warm.....

Guh, th- that was... was rude I-

"Hey, are you alright?"

was staring...

"Can you hear me?"

My eyes dart to the ground in embarrassment. Sheesh, I can feel my cheeks flushing with red. What do I do? I'm choking up again, I've never been any good at talking with woman, especially  with pret-

"He's finally woken up but seems completely out of it."

How could I have missed her? Was she sitting beside me this entire time? Jeez I must seem awkward not saying anything. It's just that,  wow... she has round....... pretty eyes. They're a vibrant light blue, enjoyable to look at. Her heart shaped face is complimented by smooth hair running down past her shoulders, pure white in color. To the bottom right of her rather full lips, is a small, cutely placed beauty mark. Her skin was porcelain like, almost as if she was manufactured to look this beautiful. 

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