[Chapter 4: Realization]

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"I was just trying to get some fresh air! A2, p-please let me down!" I plead, with my wounds excruciatingly sore from the insane speed. A2 looks down at me angrily as I grasp onto her for dear life.

"I, um... sorry about leaving..." My voice is timid with fear. A2 doesn't bother to reply, an angry look still on her face. Keeping quiet is probably best.

Curious of the duo holding me captive before, I glance over A2's shoulder and...

These two androids have been right on our ass the entire time! Do they want me or A2? How long can A2 keep this up?

"Hey A2, do you by any chance happen to know those two?" I question, while 2B and 9S are sprinting towards us with bloodlust intent.

"Tch." A2 turns to look back and she rolls her eyes as a disgruntled look overtakes her face. Her dashing speed increases. Well, that explains it... Even though they have the same fashion sense, they're probably not good friends...

We speed through ruined buildings, overgrown with tree vines and flora. Each turn we take twists my stomach. That fish is gonna come up any second....

"Ah!" I scream in pain as my cheek scrapes along concrete ground. When will I ever catch a break? The ground seems to love me...

Must get my bearings...it looks like we're inside a ruined skyscraper, empty as ever with broken windows lining the walls. A strong draft blows into my face, drying out my eyes.

Is that...?

"A2, are you alright?" I exclaim.

A2 had hit the ground with me, throwing me forward as we both fell. Sparks pop from her arm and she's struggling to stand up.

"Analysis: YoRHa Type A No.2 has been hacked by YoRHa Type S No.9. Motor functions at eighty percent. Proposal: Replace decision making chip to purge subjugation virus." The pod analyzes A2, while 9S and 2B charge forward with swords drawn.

A2 retaliates, materializing a huge electrical broadsword in her right hand, supported by her shoulder. A smaller electric sword with a black hilt appears in her left hand and accompanies the larger one.

A2 braces herself and the two tailing androids collide their swords. A2 swings her broadsword horizontally through the air. The silver metal makes a solid hit and the sound of screeching metal bounces off stone walls, ringing my ears. 9S and 2B are launched back, hitting the wall behind them. They both give off a loud grunt, signalling their injuries. A2, although deflecting the attack, gets weaker with every movement. She groans in pain and the sparks begin to increase in severity.

"Motor functions at seventy percent," the pod reminds A2.

"Do something, you useless junk!" A2 yells back at the pod.

"Affirmative." The pod unleashes a small Gatling gun through its front side and fires a barrage of bullets at 2B and 9S. The two focus on dodging bullets, but still inch closer to us. We have an opportunity, we can get out of here!

I turn back to A2. "A2, this is our chance!"

"I know that, idiot." A2 frustratingly replies. Both of her swords disappear and reappear, sheathed on her back, contained in small yellow rings. She springs towards me and sweeps me off the ground.

Alright! Looks like we're getting away from these two-

"Wait, where are you going A2?" Oh god, I hate heights! "A- A2 let's just take the stairs, it's safer!"

"This is faster." She replies, determined to get out of conflict.

"I really don't think-"

Oh shit.

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