[Chapter 7: Encounter]

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Finally, we made it.

After two hours of walking in this terrible heat, we arrive at the desert complex. The buildings are absolutely demolished and buried in sand. The area is closed off in a large canyon and the only way to get to the complex is to slide down a mountain of sand.

"Alright, know where those decommissioned androids are at?" I ask the pod proudly, knowing I've at least made it this far.

"Scanning. Scan complete: decommissioned YoRHa models located further inside complex. Multiple machine signatures detected in immediate vicinity. Caution advised." The pod replies.

"I'll keep that in mind..."

We head further into the complex and walk on a mixture of sand and cement, which probably used to be a full street. Along the path, a rusty playground manages to stay surfaced above the sand and many collapsed buildings shrink behind it. Piles of scrap sit on both sides of the street as well.

I've yet to see any machines, but I become complacent ...

"Machines within vicinity." The pod stops my train of thought.

"I know, you said that earlier, but where exactly are they? Some specifics would be nice..." I nervously question the pod, as the area around is dead quiet.


"Huh?! You just said there were machines around this area!"

"Signatures detected in vicinity. Exact location: unknown. Caution advised."

"No wonder A2 calls you useless..."

The passage gets narrower and metal beams stick out of the ground. Further in, piles of lifeless android bodies lay on the ground.

They're pretty damn creepy. It's like one of those human anatomy statues you'd see in a biology class. No skin, just metal and protruding eyeballs.

Kinda feels like I'm being watched...

Better start looking.

"Where exactly do I find this chip?" I ask the pod.

"Chip proximity: within reach." The pod replies

"Specifics please."

"Fifty decommissioned units within ten meters contain a chip. Heading: North of West at three hundred and thirty degrees. Elevation-"

"Pod, I'm not as dense as you think, please don't mark each individual body next to me. There's literally piles of them everywhere...


"What I meant is, where on the body is it?"

"Chip location: cranial region. Proposal: Sever cranial region to get into chip instillations."

"That's all I needed to know, at least you're not as useless as A2 thinks you are."


Out of the pile of android bodies, I choose one next to me and kneel beside it. It's leaned against the sandy rocks in a sitting position. It's missing its left leg and the arms are slightly mangled.

"Think you could get the chip out of this one?" I ask the pod.

"Affirmative. Attempting extraction of chip." The pod replies.

The pod hovers next to the android and a blowtorch replaces the spot where its Gatling gun usually is. It begins to meticulously work its way down the middle of the android's skull. Eventually, two pieces of the skull fall apart and a bunch of chaotic circuitry appears.

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