[Chapter 8: Change]

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After 1S calmed down, we head back to the scrap yard filled with busted androids.

He really sticks close to me with a slight skip in his step. Occasionally, he brushes my arm, all while having a big grin on his face.

"You seem quite happy?" I ask 1S.

"W-well, why wouldn't I be!?" He replies in an upbeat yet shaky voice.

"I've finally found someone else and it's a h-human out of all things!"

"Do you scanner types have some kind of infatuation with humans?"

"W-well not just humans, us scanner types are programmed to be innately curious about everything. We really like analyzing various objects and ideas. Gathering information is our primary function!"

"Explains why your friend wanted to dissect me..."

"What did you say?"

"Oh, it's nothing, anyways continue on."

"Pair that with the fact that we are also innately programmed to serve humans, it's no wonder why we would get so excited by actually finding one. We take pride in our service!"

"I guess that makes sense," 1S and 9S are so similar, I wonder if they know each other..., "say do you happen to know 9S?"

"O-oh... Nines?"


"It's a nickname we refer to h-him as." 1S' voice becomes hoarse again, like he's about to cry

"Hey, are you ok? Is something wrong?"

"N-no... it-it's nothing..."

"You say that but you're already wiping tears off your face..."

"Oh j-jeez, really," 1S turns his face away from me, setting his knees on the ground, attempting to hide his sadness, "Some k-kind of android I am... I c-can't even keep myself together!"

He's an emotional wreck but does he really have to hit me with the cute-vulnerable animal card again?

In an attempt to comfort 1S, I sit next to him and pet his head like last time.

Let's see what the problem is, "Was it something I said?"

"N-no, nothing like that..." 1S struggles to speak as he sniffles

"Something about 9S?"

1S hangs his head lower

"Ah ha! Did he mess with ya or something? Is he bullying you? I oughta find him and teach him a thing or two right now!" I try and act jaunty to cheer him up, taking a boxing stance while throwing a few swings.

Despite my efforts the soil beneath keeps moistening with tears.

Well... that didn't work, kid still looks pretty down in the dumps.

"O-oh It's nothing like that," 1S rebuttals with a surprised expression and faces towards me "i-it's just that Nines and I used to be good buddies..."

"Oh... I see. And because you've abandoned the force..." I begin to put the pieces together

"I can no longer contact him or any other YoRHa forces without being pursued for execution."

"Is there a way you can re-join YoRHa?"

"I-I've discovered things I shouldn't have, I don't think they'd let me l-live if I were to try and reason with them."

"Surely 9S would have understood your reason for abandoning the force, right? You guys were friends after all. Did you try talking to him after you left YoRHa?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2021 ⏰

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