[Chapter 5: Reciprocation]

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Chapter 5: Reciprocation

I think it's been a couple of days since our encounter with 9S and 2B, but I'm not too sure. The air stays still. The world moves on without us.

I've been beside A2 this whole time, keeping her company during her passing. She might recover, right? There's still a chance...

Over these pasts few days my injuries seem to have gotten better. My leg might get me up and going again and I might finally have another arm to use, but for A2...things get worse with each passing hour.

She doesn't make a single sound, nothing. That is, unless you want to count the sound of the sparks coming from her now detached leg. She went from small mumbles of nonsense to complete silence. Since then, it's been mostly quiet. Animals can be heard outside sometimes, birds and moose, I think...

All you do is listen. Listen to the world go by. Listen to your own thoughts go by.

Occasionally, I've struck up a conversation just to break the silence. Well, I don't know if you can call it a conversation. It's more like talking to a pet that just listens. Not to call A2 an animal or anything... Usually it's small talk, what I can hear outside, the few things I remember about the past, like my apartment complex and how the area wasn't completely flooded in sand. It keeps me sane, or... maybe I've already lost it.

Except for her eyes, A2 no longer moves any part of her body. She lies there and darts her eyes around at times, sometimes closing them for brief periods, as if she's sleeping. She'll stare at me whenever I start talking, so I guess she really is listening. Even though I've somewhat got used to it, it's still kinda creepy. You'd think she was some kind of amusement park animatronic if you hadn't seen her before.

Yet, she can't make any facial expressions, so I don't really know how she feels about my topics of conversation. I just hope it's something that keeps her from falling into despair. Still, I don't know if I'm too late or not-

"Subjugation virus at fifty percent," the pod stops my train of thought, "estimated time of completion: two days, twelve hours."

Only two and a half more days...

The pod continues on, "Proposal: Locate replacement chip for unit YoRHa Type A No.2 in order to remove corrupted chip and purge subjugation virus."

I reply to the pod, "Look, I'm sorry friend, but I don't think she'll be able to find a replacement chip in a condition like this."

"Analysis: Estimated time of human limb restoration: one day."

"What are you getting at?"

"Proposal: Human can locate replacement chip and purge subjugation virus."

"You're crazy... I won't make it out there, there's no way-"

"Please confirm transfer of weapon systems," The pod turns towards A2, and her eyes dart to the pod. A moment of silence passes and the pod continues, "Transfer confirmed."

The pod hovers next to me, stating its protocol, "Transfer of pod command complete. Transfer of weapon systems complete. Please utilize voice commands to direct orders, as it is impossible to link up through a network. Magnetic field systems not detected. Please utilize appendages to wield weapons."

A2's swords appear beside me and make a loud clunk on the ground. I stare at the swords in shock, I can't possibly do this, I've never even held a sword up close, the machines out there... I won't survive.

"I-I can't do this, I've never really fought before, I'll just get kil-"


Something's touching my shoulder...

"A2, you can still move..."

A2 had placed her hand on my shoulder, and on her face, a small smile remains.

The light from her eyes disappear.

"A2... wait... n-no." This can't happen, w-why, h-how could I let this happen, "A2 p-please... I'll eat your mush and do what you say, just come back... please... open your eyes..."

My hands won't stop shaking... Why am I still here? I can't do this anymore... These damn tears won't go away...

The damn pod talks again, "Virus estimated time of comple-".

"Shut up! She's gone, don't you see?! A-And I did j-jack shit about it..."

"Repeat: Virus estimated time of completion-"

"Don't you get it?! T-There's no way she'll come back! She's taken care of me, saved my life numerous times, fed me best she could, kept me out of danger and I've done nothing but make it harder for her to take care of me!" It was hiding right in front of me and I never knew it, "She just cared about me and I just... just never realized."

"Repeat: Virus estimated time of completion two days, twelve hours. Unit YoRHa Type A No.2 maintaining safe mode to preserve data storage. Recovery still possible."

"Still... possible?"

"Recovery still possible."

"I can still..."

"Repeat: Full system recovery is possible."

"We can still do it you tin can!"


"Hah! I still have a chance, I can still wake her up again... A2..."

A2's lifeless body lies next to me, her cold hand still lies on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, A2. I'm gonna get you up, just hang in there, alright?"

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