[Chapter 6: Confidence]

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Jesus, this thing is fast! I firmly grasp the moose's antlers, as it jerks me back and forth. The bones eat into my grip, leaving a couple of minor lacerations on my hands.

At least we'll make it on time.

"Estimated time of arrival: five minutes." The pod hovers next to me, keeping its pace with the moose.

We speed forward, passing a couple of ruined buildings, which are soon replaced by tall maroon rocky walls. The strip of road turns into sand and a rock arch presides over a circular entrance, leading into more narrow passages.

The moose's hooves start kicking up sand and I cover my face with my torn shirt. Still, sand manages to enter my mouth and eyes, making for an even more uncomfortable ride. Each time I move my jaw, I feel the sand grinding between my teeth and at the same time, my eyes are burning, probably bloodshot at this point from the irritation.

This harsh environment, baking hot and accompanied with a tan and yellowish color palette, reminds me of a far worse time...

"Stop!" A voice calls out to me, teetering between masculine and feminine, thought leaning somewhat to the latter.

Stopping is probably a good idea, conflict won't do me any good right now.

I give a light tug on the moose's antlers and it skids to a halt.

I hope this isn't any trouble...

Dismounting my moose, I land on the sand below, which floods my shoes. It slithers its way into the gaps of my toes, making for grimy footing. I look at the person who ordered me to stop with a quizzical look on my face.

Now who could this be?

A woman like figure steps out from a propped-up tarp, under which a busted vending machine sits.

The woman strides along the sand, headed towards me. She's fit with camo pants and some busted up knee pads. She wears a tan, long sleeve shirt, blending in with the surrounding area. Her right eye is covered with a black bandana and the rest of her head is wrapped with a ragged grey cloth, in a hood like fashion.

She doesn't have the same colors as those other three androids and she doesn't seem to have any gigantic swords. Maybe... she's another human?

"Yo, what's your business in the desert complex? Dontcha know it's filled with a' buncha machines? We had a couple a' YoRHa mooks clear it out before, It's still dangerous out there ya know, I wouldn't risk anyone getting killed unless it was important."

"Well, I'm here to retrieve something from the housing area if that's alright. It's very urgent, and I'm running low on time."

"Hmm. Well, if that's the case I guess I can make an exception this time. Just don't say I didn't warn ya when the machines are tearin' ya limb from limb."

"Yeah... I'll keep that in mind, miss...?"

"Jackass, nice to meetcha!"

"I'm-I'm sorry what was that?"

The woman scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Jackass, dontcha have an ear? Haha! So whatcha retrievin' from the complex?"

"Well uh... Jackass... I'm looking for a decision making chip or something like that. Know where I can find one?"

"Standard issue for all YoRHa type androids! Yeah, I know where to find em, there's an android grave yard of sorts not too far from here. If ya head to the dunes, take a right till ya find another rock arch. There'll be a' huge clearin' and a sandy slide which leads to the housing complex. Head further in and you'll find a buncha decommissioned androids, ya can scavenge a chip there!"

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