Tewtiy (ryan)

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I was just making a video with Mitch, when I really had a strong feeling that I should just snap his neck. I don't know why, I just felt that it was right. I shook the thoughts out of my head, and continued with the video. I still had the feeling that he shouldn't be here two days later. The urge was getting stronger and stronger. I really don't know how I'm going to keep it in much longer. One day I will eventually snap and just kill him, but I need to remember he is my best friend. I took a deep breath, and looked into my camera. I was supposed to be filming, but I've just been sitting here for hours doing nothing but staring into the lens of the camera. It just seems really odd that I would just now start having these feelings. The feeling was unbearable when he walked in to check on me, but I kept it in. One more day, that's it. That's all I can deal with. If the feelings don't go away, I'll have to do it. And right then, it stopped. The feeling went away. I don't know why or how, but it just left me. All feeling left me. My body was numb. I couldn't speak or move. I just started floating. I floated into the lounge. I saw Jerome standing over Mitch's body yelling at him to wake up. JP was calling 911, and Kyle was pacing. They all stopped and looked at me. Floating. I was two feet off the ground. I knew I did this...I just don't know how. I never left the room. The ambulance got there thirty minutes later, and they gave us the news that Mitch was definitely dead. They would have to do a x-ray to see what was wrong. They called us with the news, that Mitch's brain blew up in his head. How did I manage to do that? I don't know. Maybe I have the power to get into someone's mind. I don't know. I just...I couldn't think of an explanation for this. It had to be me. I slammed my head onto my desk, and just thought. Then I got the feeling again. That feeling. It just kills me. I want it to go away forever. I tried to kill myself a couple hours ago. It didn't work. The wounds healed right then. What am I. Who am I. The feeling went away again, this time it was Kyle. Except it wasn't his brain. It was his stomach. I just don't get it. How is this happening. It shouldn't be. I have to leave. I have to get out of here. I thought again, and realized my only escape is to run. Run far away and never come back. So that's what I did...I ran away...and I made new friends. They get me. They know what it feels like. That feeling. I found the place I belong.

A/n: I tried on this chapter! It's longer than they usually are. I love you guys, and if you have any request, just comment and I'll do that. Bye!~brianna.

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