04 : ride

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Louis' Cab | night four

The stepping stones
will lead us farther.
As your brittle bones,
take us further.

Each day we spent,
is a ride to the latter;
To answer why we're sent,
to be together.

Harry: Why are you here again? (not wanting to board the car)

Louis: Is it bad to stay? (pulls the lad in)

Harry: (groans in annoyance) Can you please tell me the truth, why are you always here? Don't you have anyone else to waste your time on?

Louis: (instructs the lad to close his door) I don't have anyone.

Harry: (closes door/puts seatbelt on) I won't ride this car again, I promise.

Louis: (sighs) I don't have anyone else.

Harry: Louis, you can't take me to your favorite diner forever, spend your time somewhere else and with someone (pauses to sigh) relevant.

Louis: (stern) I don't have anyone else.

Harry: I'm not the relevant person you need. This is a ride that would eventually end, so end it soon. (glances outside the windom) Do yourself a favor and leave me alone.

Louis: [silence]

Harry: [silence]

Louis: Stranger.

Harry: (hesitates to answer) Why are you helping me?

Louis: (slams hand on steering wheel) Because I don't have anyone else in my life but myself.

Harry: (shocked) [silence]

Louis: (glances at the lad) I'll only stop if you also give up on standing in the middle of that stupid road.

Harry: But... (pauses) I'm a stranger.

Louis: (sighs) And you're the only one I have.

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n o t e | i can clearly hear the sound of confused readers.

s o n g | Ride - Twenty One Pilots

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