31 : smile

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Harry's House | night forty nine

Smile again;
It will hurt him.
Your happiness is
his pain.

b a l c o n y

Harry: Chopped my hair today dear. (chuckles) My hair always sticks to my face whenever I cry. Now, I'm happy again.

[Louis Tomlinson Calling]

Harry: As I feel all of my blood rushing through my veins, I'm assuring you I'm happy. I hope you're happy too. I smile now. (fakes a smile) Since smiling is the standard of happiness nowadays, then I'm happy. Ecstatic even!

[Missed Call From Louis Tomlinson]

Harry: (tearing up) The neighbors are telling me to go inside and I should stop. (takes one hand off the railing) I shouldn't be sitting at the edge of a balcony. But maybe I should be. Right Louis? (smiles) I should jump.

[Louis Tomlinson Calling]

Harry: Am I the one to blame for everything that's happening? (leans over) My weakness is crawling up my skin. What have I done to you?

[37 Missed Calls From Louis]

Harry: (closes eyes) Maybe jumping off a balcony would hurt less than falling for you. Do you agree, Louis?

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s o n g | I Have Questions - Camila Cabello

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