23 : over

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Marbles | night thirty five

The aftermath
of loving
too much.

Tess: The usual. (places order on table)

Harry: Louis?

Louis: (kisses Harry deeply) Don't be worried, you'll be fine.

Harry: (crying) This is it then?

Louis: This has nothing to do about our love for each other, this is about– who we are.

Harry: (places hand on Louis' face) Who are you?

Louis: Your lover.

Harry: Why are we ending?

Louis: We're not. (pauses) We're trying to remember.

Harry: Don't go. (begs)

Louis: I'll see you in the morning. (kisses Harry once more)

Harry: (crying)

Louis: Harry.


n o t e | Next 12 chapters will be @ Harry's House/ Louis' House. They'll be speaking for their behalfs.

s o n g | We Won't - James Young & Phoebe Ryan

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