13 : others

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Marbles | night sixteen

His voice will echo till you bleed,
His lungs will then explode.
His spirit is eventually filled with greed,
His cries will pierce as told.

He's yet to understand his words,
He's in midst to know the truth.
He's ready to swing jealous swords,
He's about to step a foot.

Louis: Excuse me, have you seen Tess. (taps on table)

Waitress: (shakes head) No sir, I believe she's on a break for a couple of days, I'm currently filling her shift.

Louis: (Breathes deep/smiles) Ah, I apologize. I forgot about that.

Waitress: Enjoy your meal. (leaves)

Harry: (clenches jaw) I can't even fathom everything that's happening.

Louis: Stop being dramatic. (plays with straw)

Harry: I'm not joking, Louis.

Louis: What do you want me to say then?

Harry: [silence]

Louis: Now you're sealing your lips again and force me to think of my mistakes.

Harry: Well it is your fault. (tears up)

Louis: Fine. (throws straw on table)

Harry: (laughs/tearing up) You even had the guts to ask if Tess is here, when in the first place she's the reason why I'm bursting in flames? Are you f*cking treating me as a joke?

Louis: Bloody hell, stop! (glares at Harry)

Harry: Why are you being so cold?

Louis: (fumes) I'm tired. My head is pounding and I don't feel great. All I want is a proper meal with my boyfriend and all he does is scream at me because he's jealous. (pauses) Tess is a close friend of mine, a family friend even. And I don't know why you're so mad at her as if I got to rip her clother off!

Harry: [silence]

Louis: She's not a threat to us. (breathes) So stop being a threat to our friendship.

Harry: You're protecting her.

Louis: Fuck! (stands up) Everything I say comes out wrong. What the hell is your mind even processing? That every person I talk to can be your replacement? No, I can never replace you! From the very start I couldn't because– (pauses) Because...

Harry: Lou? (confused)

Louis: (cries) Listen, I am not trying to protect Tess from anybody. She can protect herself. I want you to understand that. You're different because you're mine.

Harry: Louis, I'm sorry. (tries to hold Louis down.)

Louis: There are things, you'd never understand.

Harry: Louis, please sit down. (crying) I'm trying to understand what happened yesterday. But I can't without you telling me the truth.

Louis: I'm trying to protect you. (whispers)

Harry: From what?

Louis: From everything.

Harry: Why?

Louis: (takes Harry's hand off) Because I don't want you to get hurt.

Harry: I won't get hurt.

Louis: (run fingers through hair) You don't know what you're saying.

Harry: I don't understand.

Louis: That's the point. (slowly sits down)

Harry: (looks down on floor.) Louis, who even are you?

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s o n g | jealous - labrinth

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