10 : rainbow

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Louis' Cab | night thirteen

Let me wait for you,
Over rainbow's dew.
Vast till the sun sets still;
Under landslides, I will.

Let me stay for you,
On graves and brew.
Eagles leaving the words,
For our colorless worlds.

Harry: Like my shirt?

Louis: (snorts) Too gay.

Harry: There's no such thing as too gay. (huffs) I'm gay, so there's a reason for me to be gay.

Louis: I'm gay too, but not as gay as you.

Harry: (raises brow) Says that man who stared down at me when I was changing my clothing before. (slumps back on seat) It's a shirt Louis with a f*cking rainbow patch.

Louis: I can obviously see that, you toad. (smiles)

Harry: I'm starting to hate you.

Louis: You've hated me before. (sticks out tongue)

Harry: I don't get it.

Louis: Slow headed lad.

Harry: [silence]

Louis: [silence]

Harry: Why don't you have a boyfriend?

Louis: (takes time to answer) 'Cause I don't want to.

Harry: Why?

Louis: The thing is, (pauses) I have a girlfriend.

Harry: [awkward silence] Oh.

Louis: [silence]

Harry: [silence]

Louis: Dumb face.

Harry: What now? (annoyed)

Louis: Nothing, you just seem so sad all of a sudden when I told you I have a girlfriend. (grins)

Harry: No I'm not, I'm actually happy. But at the same time questioning since you're obviously gay. (pretends to wave pride flag)

Louis: Wanna know her name? It starts with a D, quite long actually.

Harry: Don't wanna hear about her, sorry.

Louis: [silence]

Harry: [silence]

Louis: You're annoying.

Harry: Drop me at the next stop, I'm taking a bus.

Louis: (shocked) No.

Harry: Drop me.

Louis: You're too sensitive and such a jealous type. My glory god.

Harry: I'm not jealous. (crosses arms)

Louis: I don't have a girlfriend. I'm gay. (touches  Harry's rainbow patch)

Harry: I don't believe you.

Louis: That I'm gay?

Harry: That you don't have a girlfriend.

Louis: (smiles widely) Here's the thing toad. I've always believed that when you're in love, you should be able to see your surroundings light up in different hues. But then again, perspectives change.

Harry: So you do have a girlfriend.

Louis: Bloody hell! No.

Harry: You have a boyfriend?

Louis: (winks at Harry) Here's the thing Stranger. My perspective changed. When you're in love, the only colour you should only be able to see is the one you've fallen head over feet calluses for.

Harry: Answer me! (furious)

Louis: Alright (bites lower lips) Yes, I do have a boyfriend.

Harry: Who?

Louis: He passed away.

Harry: [awkward silence]

Louis: [silence]

Harry: [silence]

Louis: You're so gullible; it seeps through your skin. (rolls eyes)

Harry: [silence]

Louis: (slaps Harry on the thigh) I was joking! AAH! Why do I have to face this kind of mess every single night?

Harry: Drop me off. (blunt)

Louis: It's you, you f*cking mess. Bloody gracious.

Harry: [silence]

Louis: So do you want to date me or not?

Harry: (fumes) You could've told me earlier that it was me rather than telling me all types of bullshit to make me jealous. Who's the f*cking mess between us now?

Louis: You're no fun.

Harry: Let's break up.

Louis: (eyes widened) What the-that-you-what? (stutters) That's unfair, we've only started dating a minute ago.

Harry: I can't take this anymore. (fake cries)

Louis: You're dramatic.

Harry: And you're a fool.

Louis: (grins) Let's not–

Harry: break up. (grins)

Louis: From now on, I am officially dating a toad.

Harry: And I'm officially dating a hedgehog.

Louis: You're cute. I'm cute. We're cute. We're meant for each other.

Harry: Yeah, it's utterly disgusting. (pretends to vomit)

Louis: I thought you were just a Stranger–but you're also a savage. I like you.

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s o n g | Color - Todrick Hall

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