05 : radio

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Louis' Cab | night seven

We fuss then we fight,
We slip then we bite.
We swore that tonight,
We'll not be alright.

You aim just to tighten,
You shoot just to hate.
You then forget to listen,
To what's on my plate.

Harry: Hey. (pushed Louis harshly) It's been a week! How cool is that? We've been friends for a week!

Louis: (confused) What's so fun about that? (chuckles abruptly) Weren't you trying to push me away this entire week? (grips on the steering wheel) Don't you have any other friends, that you're that extatic over me?

Harry: (rolls eyes) Mean b*tch.

Louis: [silence]

Harry: (murmuring words)

Louis: Hey, (pauses/glances at Harry) I won't be able to pick you up tomorrow, there's a passenger that wants me to help her out and drive her down the Hotel Sicili.

Harry: Oh, okay. (continues to murmur words)

Louis: You're not mad, yeah? (chuckles)

Harry: [silence]

Louis: Stranger?

Harry: [silence]

Louis: You're not mad (places hand on the lad's lap) right?

Harry: [silence] (takes Louis' hand off his lap)

Louis: Ah, you're not mad. (grins) You can skip standing in the middle of the road tomorrow.

Harry: No, thanks.

Louis: Toad, c'mon, it won't do you good.

Harry: (fumes) What does picking me up for a week do any good to you, huh?

Louis: Don't get mad at me I'm just trying to help. (chuckles)

Harry: Who even told you to help me?! (bursts out in anger)

Louis: Why are you so mad at me? You should be thankful I'm try– (mumbles)

Harry: [silence] (turns the radio on blast) [wonders why he's so mad despite only knowing the man for a week.]

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